




1.第一步 Team Members( 团队成员): STEP 1( 第一步) INTERNAL / EXTERNAL TEAM( 内部/外部团队) ...

2.步骤1 9.5 孕妇须知/ Cautions for Pregnant Women 步骤1/ Step 1 步骤2/ Step 2 ...

3.第一步骤 ... 点“下一步” Step9: 点“下一步Step10: 点“仍然继续” Step11: ...

5.第一阶段考试( ),通过测试后方可进入高年级的学习, 试的第一步考试step 1),通过测试后方可进入高年级的学习,大学毕业 …

7.一面计( research design) (1 ) 第一个步骤step 1 ) : 文献探讨( review of technical pterature) 「文献探讨」 是一种先前 …


1.The details window of the newly created Step1 element shows the name, description, and type fields for the activity.新创建的Step1元素的详细窗口显示了活动的名称,描述和类型字段。

2.In other words, the only Module loaded at startup was the Step1. swf Module.换句话说,在启动时唯一需要加载的模块就是Step1.swf模块。

3.Replace Step1 as the name of the activity by typing EnterRoomInformation the Name text field.在Name文本字段输入EnterRoomInformation作为活动的名称,替换Step1。

4.STEP1 in the morning and night after cleansing, with the ring finger and mungbean size of the cream, two ring finger mutually rub.STEP1在早晚洁肤后,用无名指取绿豆大小的眼霜,两个无名指指腹相互揉。

5.Step1: Using a sharp pencil, make two holes at opposite sides of the cup, near the base.步骤一:用一枝削尖的铅笔,在塑胶杯靠近底部的两边各戳一个洞。

6.Step1: Comb the hair with toothcomb orderly, arranging spppery hair is the foundation with long straight beautiful hair.把头发用细齿梳子梳整洁,顺滑的头发是长直发漂亮的基础。

7.Top-level my-result output port will receive the results of the step1 result port and place them on the standard output.顶层my-result输出端口将接收到step1结果端口的结果并将它们放在标准输出上。

8.Step1: tilt the glass at a angle and look at the rim of the wine preferably against a white background.第一步:把酒杯对着白色的背景,倾斜一个角度,更好地查看酒的边缘。

9.Two instances of Step 1 are active, with the other incoming tokens having to wait in the queue in front of the task.Step1的两个实例是活动的,其他传入令牌必须在该任务前面的队列中等待。

10.This project will be used by the RuleApp project we created in Step1 for a proper deployment.此项目将由我们在第1步中创建的RuleApp项目使用,进行恰当的部署。