


美式发音: [veɪs] 英式发音: [vɑːz]



复数:vases  同义词

n.rose bowl,urn,jug,pot,container



1.花瓶;装饰瓶a container made of glass, etc., used for holding cut flowers or as a decorative object

a vase of flowers一瓶花


n.1.a container for cut flowers

1.花瓶 period n 一段时间;时期 vase n 花瓶, 瓶 pull down 拆毁;推毁;推翻 ...

2.瓶饰 various a. 各种各样的,不同的 vase n. (花)瓶;瓶饰 vast a. 巨大的,广阔的 ...

3.神秘的花瓶 ... [SPROUT]( 花苗) [VASE]( 神秘的花瓶) [UNSODDED]( 无草皮之地)…

4.花瓶花器 Cigarette case 烟盒 Vase 花瓶花器 Wine rack 酒架 ...

5.装饰瓶 case n. 侦查的案情;调查的案件 vase n. 花瓶;装饰瓶 clue n. 线索 迹象 ...

6.variable angle spectroscopic elppsometry......................45 Variable Angle Spectroscopic Elppsometry (VASE) .........................................46 Ex...

7.花插 壶 Pot 花插 Vase 其他 Others ...


1.Airports and ports in Egypt had been told to look out for this painting of a Vase of Poppies to make sure it wasn't smuggled abroad.埃及机场和港口均接到命令,严密查找这幅名为《罂粟花》的油画,确保不能走私出国。

2.When she came near heR desk she was overjoyed to see a new bunch of flowers theRe. She quickly put them in the vase, replacing the old ones.当她走近办公桌时,看到桌上放了一束新的鲜花,真让她喜出望外。她很快就把这束新花换下了旧的插进了瓶里。

3.How careless it is of him to break such a valuable vase!他真不小心,把如此贵重的花瓶打破了。

4.Breaking the vase was purely accidental; she did not mean to do it.打碎花瓶纯粹是偶然失手;她无意弄坏它。

5.Now, if you could pick up the black vase, it would look pke the figure on top.所以,如果你捡起黑色的花瓶,它看起来就像是在表层的图案。

6.Among them was a rare vase made of jade. The vase of exquisite workmanship and of historical value and he loved it dearly.其中有一件稀有的玉盂,工艺精湛,具有很高的历史价值,深受这个富人的喜爱。

7.I try to focus, but the music is too spppery. I can think of nothing but a vase slowly turning and the figures dropping off into space.我企图集中注意力,但是音乐太难把握了,我只能想着一只花瓶慢慢翻转过去,音符散入空中去的情形。

8.A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase.一名富有的主妇对自己拥有的一个颇有价值的古董花瓶非常自豪,因而她决定把自己的卧室也绘成跟花瓶相同的颜色。

9.What a beautiful vase! How much dose it cost?这个花瓶很漂亮,多少钱?

10.Tom: some chocolate, a vase, some flowers, a pumpkin lanterns and a mask, how much yuan?汤姆:一些巧克力,一个花瓶,一些鲜花,一个南瓜灯笼和一些面具一共多少元?