



美式发音: [ˈɑdəti] 英式发音: [ˈɒdəti]



复数:oddities  同义词反义词





n.1.someone or something that seems strange or unusual2.a strange or unusual quality in someone or something

1.奇特的东西 ... Monster Embryos( 怪物胚胎) Oddities( 怪东西) Seedlings( 幼苗) ...

4.古怪科学收藏 ... D 209 《美国往事》( ONLY.IN.AMERICA) D 210 《古怪科学收藏》( ODDITIES) D 211 《新星科学探索》…

5.古怪造型s)、可动人形(Action Figures)以及古怪造型Oddities)的雕塑等不同类型的塑像。

6.怪癖 4. cold cuts 冷盘 5. oddities 怪癖,奇异的事物 6. trivia 琐事,鸡毛蒜皮的事。 ...

7.奇人异事 ... M2-OVERWHELMED 征服 S4-ODDITIES 奇人异事 M1-CENTER STAGE 舞台中 …

8.奥迪泰 ... 欲无度 Can't Get Enough 奥迪泰 Oddities 命运 Destiny ...


1.Lando's wealth waxed and waned over the next few years, as he came into possession of such oddities as a used starship lot on Nar Shaddaa.在随后的几年里,兰多的财富几起几落,同时,他拥有过不少古怪的东西,比如纳沙达上的一座旧星际飞船场。

2.In practice, it is often an agglomeration of national markets, each with its rules and oddities.事实上,它通常都是国家市场的综合体,每个国家都有一套自己的规则和怪毛病。

3."I told him it was an amazing animal show with freaks and oddities, " Strong told The News.我告诉他,这是一个令人惊异的动物展,都是畸形和怪胎。

4.Of course, we do not a priori preclude the existence of other types of errors or oddities that pertain to more than just isolated readings.当然,我们不会先验地排除其他类型错误或异常(不是只与单个读数相关的)的存在。

5.Any oddities about him could be dismissed ; it was his game that mattered .任何的奇异有关他可能被解散;它是他的有关系的游戏。

6.Many in the scientific community are beginning to awaken to the now blatant "oddities" in ocean temperatures and weather patterns.在科学界已有很多人开始意识到我们星球的海洋温度的不寻常变化和气候的变迁。

7.One of the many oddities of the current joyless economic recovery is that this traditional enthusiasm is strikingly lacking.目前死气沉沉的经济复苏过程中一个奇怪的现象就是美国人缺乏这种传统的热情。

8.They shake their heads at the occasional oddities of namespaces, but in general don't give them all that much thought.偶然遇到名称空间的奇怪行为时,他们只是摇摇头,通常不再在深加思考。

9.The oddities lists are always popular and are a pleasure to research and put together so I felt bound to do another.由于怪异事件清单很受欢迎而且将其放在一起以作研究是一件令人愉快的事,因此我觉得有必要再做一份。

10.For some reason we seem to have developed a special "top 20" format for our historical oddities lists.由于某种原因,我们所做的历史上的怪异事件清单似乎形成了专门的“20大”格式。