



美式发音: [ræft] 英式发音: [rɑːft]




复数:rafts  同义词





n.1.a simple flat boat made by tying long pieces of wood together; a small light boat made of rubber or plastic2.a flat structure that floats on a lake, river, etc. that people can swim to and lie on

1.皮筏 Lipid Rafts: 脂筏|脂质筏|脂质浮排 Rafts: 皮筏 canopy rafts: 林冠筏 ...

2.筏 mammals 哺乳动物 rafts 木筏 matted vegetation 铺地植被 ...

4.穴筏 Mammillaries 洞穴云朵 Rafts 穴筏 Raft Cones 浮筏锥 ...

5.支撑筏模型lipid rafts):脂质双分子层不是一个完 脂筏模型( rafts): ):脂质双分子层不是一个完 全均匀的二维流体,膜中富含胆固醇和鞘磷脂的...


1.The ancient Egyptians used to move bees up and down the Nile on rafts, so this idea of a movable bee force is not new at all.古埃及人就曾就用筏子沿着尼罗河上下转运蜜蜂,这说明运动的蜜蜂大军一点儿也不新鲜。

2.Then, at the other end of the island, just as we were lowering our rafts back into the water, Cho said calmly: 'Look, Ed, behind you. '接着在岛屿的另一端,也就是我们停靠橡皮筏的地方,曹平静地说:“爱德,看,你后面。”

3.These log rafts are the only means of transportation over to Tom Sawyer Island.这个长长的木筏是到汤姆索耶岛去探险唯一的交通工具。

4.Although one of the rafts did not work in the end, all the participants bravely embraced the challenges and enjoyed the raft-making process.虽然其中一只竹筏未能乘风破浪,但参加者均勇敢地接受挑战,并享受制作竹筏的过程。

5.Our guide told him that such confinement would not be necessary but that he should keep a safe distance from our rafts.我们的向导告诉他,这种限制就不必了,只要他能同我们的木筏保持一段安全距离就行。

6.Antidepressants help to move the Gs alpha out of these rafts and facilitate the action of certain neurotransmitters.而抗抑郁药物有助于驱走这些脂质筏中的Gsa,从而特定递质的活动更加容易。

7.There are four life rafts which are located in the front and rear of the cabin. Every seat cushion can be use for flotation.在客舱的前后部共备有四个充气式救生筏。每个座椅垫都可以作为漂浮物使用。

8.We left the palace at once, and came to the shore, where we made some rafts, each large enough to carry three men.我们立刻离了王宫,跑至海边,在那个地方我做了些木排,每一个木排足以载三个人。

9.he tried to catch one of the rafts with a boat-hook, but missed.他想用一根船钩去钩一个木筏,但没有钩着

10.Witnesses say the boat foundered in heavy seas as passengers stampeded to board inflatable life rafts.目击者说,船作为自乱阵脚登上救生筏充气乘客波涛汹涌的海面沉没。