



美式发音: [stip] 英式发音: [stiːp]





第三人称单数:steeps  现在分词:steeping  过去式:steeped  比较级:steeper  最高级:steepest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.steep slope,steep hill,steep decline,steep rise,steep climb






1.陡的;陡峭的rising or falling quickly, not gradually

a steep hill/slope/bank陡峭的山;陡坡;陡岸

a steep climb/descent/drop陡直的爬升╱下降╱下落

a steep flight of stairs一段很陡的楼梯

The path grew steeper as we climbed higher.我们越往上爬路就越陡。

2.[ubn]突然的;急剧的;大起大落的sudden and very big

a steep decline in the birth rate出生率的骤降

a steep rise in unemployment失业率的暴升

3.(informal)过高的;过分的;不合理的too much; unreasonable

£2 for a cup of coffee seems a little steep to me.一杯咖啡 2 英镑在我看来有点贵得离谱。


a city steeped in history历史古城

be steeped in sth深深浸淫;饱含(某品质)to have a lot of a particular quality

a city steeped in history历史古城

v.1.泡,浸 (in) 浸湿,浸透2.使专心一意,使埋头于...3.(雾,烟,光等)笼罩(山野,树木等)4.(在水中)浸泡1.泡,浸 (in) 浸湿,浸透2.使专心一意,使埋头于...3.(雾,烟,光等)笼罩(山野,树木等)4.(在水中)浸泡



v.1.to leave something such as food or cloth in a liquid for some time

adj.1.a steep slope rises quickly and is difficult to climb; a steep drop or fall is sudden and nearly vertical2.steep prices are very high3.a steep increase or fall in something is sudden and very big

1.极端的 ... shift v. 改变,转移 steepest 极端的,陡峭的, account for 对…做出解释 ...

2.陡峭的 ... shift v. 改变,转移 steepest 极端的,陡峭的, account for 对…做出解释 ...


1.After the steepest two-week rally in more than two years, the S&P 500 is at the top end of its range for the past two months.标准普尔500指数过去两周的涨幅为逾两年来最大,目前已经处在两个月来交投区间的顶端。

2.And for a short few months, his computer company was on top of the world, with one of the steepest revenue growth curves ever seen.在仅仅几个月的时间里,他的电脑公司成为了世界顶级,给他带来了前所未见的丰厚回报增长。

3.They also drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and down San Francisco's Lombard Street, one of the steepest and curviest roads in the world.他们也曾穿过金门大桥,沿旧金山朗伯德街行驶,这条街是世界上最陡最弯曲的街道之一。

4.Led by Britain, which had seen the steepest fall of the big property markets (see chart 5), values are rising again.经历了商业房产巨幅下跌的英国(参见图表5)正在带领商业房产的价值再次攀升。

5.So right here, I start with a visual, and I immediately ask the question: Which section is the steepest?就在这里,我以图像开始,我马上问个问题:哪个部分最陡?

6.Export-dependent coastal cities in mainland China have had the steepest downturns in their real estate markets.中国大陆沿海的依赖出口的城市则经历了最严重的房地产市场低迷。

7.Baldwin Street, in a quiet suburban part of New Zealand's southern city of Dunedin, is reputed to be the world's steepest street.鲍德温街在新西兰南部城市达尼丁郊区一个闭静处,被誉为世界上最陡峭的街道。

8.Mexico suffered the steepest recession of any country in the Americas, bar a couple of Caribbean tiddlers.除了两三个加勒比海的小国外,墨西哥是美洲遭受经济危机最严重的国家。

9.It was the steepest and gravest of gambles with the future of his Navy and his country.这是拿他的海军和他的祖国的前途所作的最凶险、最严重的冒险。

10.AFTER the steepest decline since the Great Depression, unalloyed optimism among veteran stock market hands is hard to find.股市发生了大萧条以来最大跌幅之后,资深股市老手中是很难找到纯粹的乐观情绪的。