



美式发音: [əˈfens] 英式发音: [ə'fens]



复数:offenses  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.criminal offense,serious offense,capital offense,minor offense,same offense

v.+n.commit offense





n.1.<AmE>Same as offence2.a crime or illegal activity for which there is a punishment3.something that you do or say which makes someone else angry or upset4.the part of a game such as football that involves trying to score points; the members of a team in a game such as football whose job is to try to score points5.something that makes you feel angry and upset because it is insulting, unfair, or morally wrong6.the process of attacking someone or something1.<AmE>Same as offence2.a crime or illegal activity for which there is a punishment3.something that you do or say which makes someone else angry or upset4.the part of a game such as football that involves trying to score points; the members of a team in a game such as football whose job is to try to score points5.something that makes you feel angry and upset because it is insulting, unfair, or morally wrong6.the process of attacking someone or something

1.违法死亡之神(Eros et Thanatos)〉、〈冒犯亵渎Offenses)〉、〈启世录二(Apocalypse II)〉、〈人狼状态(Homo homin…

3.犯规 ... Art.14 – Awarding of Points 判分 Art.15 – Offenses 犯规 Art.12 – Scoring System 计分体系 ...


1.Over the last several years the man had been caught with drugs and committed a few petty offenses, the police confirmed.警方证实他在过去几年里,曾多次因为毒品和轻微犯罪被抓。

2.According to its terms, the rape charges against him were to be dropped in exchange for an admission of guilt for lesser offenses.根据协议,针对卡察夫的强奸指控予以撤除,作为交换,他必须承认一些较轻的罪过。

3.The above declaration is without prejudice to the case of the major criminals, whose offenses have no particular geographical localization.上述宣言不影响首恶元凶的案件,他们所犯的罪行不限于某一个特定的地方。

4.The Land of the Free incarcerates more citizens per capita than any other country on Earth, almost half of them for nonviolent offenses.在这块自由的土地上监禁的国民按人头比地球上任何其他国家都多,其中将近一半为非暴力违法行为。

5.Misdemeanors are offenses of a less serious nature and are punishable by a fine or imprisonment in a county or local jail.轻罪从本质上讲是不严重的犯罪,通过罚款或只在小市或当地监狱关押。

6.If you can reform your offenses , your faults by themselves disappear . But trying to cover them over , make offenses more severe .如果犯了过错,能够改过,就跟没有犯过错误一样。如果犯了错误而掩饰之,那就罪加一等了。

7.When His Divine Grace saw he had no interest in accepting instruction, he mercifully sent him away before he could commit any more offenses.当圣恩看到他没有兴趣接受教导时,在他可能作出任何更多的冒犯前仁慈地把他送走了。

8.If they have no recorded offenses, they may be asked to pay a fine, after which they may leave.如果他们没有任何犯罪记录,便可在缴付罚金后离开警察局。

9.The offenses, which ranged from putting a bag on a seat to blocking a door to stretching out for a nap, carry $50 fines, police said.警方称,将包放在座位上、挡住车厢出入口、躺下睡觉等犯罪行为都将被处以50美元罚款。

10.Juveniles , or people under the age of eighteen, are usually tried in a juvenile court for misdemeanor offenses.未成年人十八周岁以下的人,所犯的罪行为轻罪通常在少年法庭接受审判。