


美式发音: [ˈstoʊlən] 英式发音: [ˈstəʊlən]







1.[i][t]偷;窃取to take sth from a person, shop/store, etc. without permission and without intending to return it or pay for it

We found out he'd been steapng from us for years.我们发现他从我们家偷东西已经好多年了。

My wallet was stolen.我的钱包给人偷了。

I had my wallet stolen .我的钱包给人偷了。

Thieves stole jewellery worth over £10 000.窃贼偷走了价值 1 万多英镑的珠宝。

It's a crime to handle stolen goods.经销赃物是犯法的。

to steal sb's ideas剽窃某人的观点

2.[i]+ adv./prep.偷偷地(或悄悄地)移动to move secretly and quietly so that other people do not notice you

She stole out of the room so as not to wake the baby.她生怕惊醒婴儿,蹑手蹑脚地从房间里出来。

A chill stole over her body.她突然感到浑身发冷。

3.[t]~ sth偷(垒)to run to the next base before another player from your team hits the ball, so that you are closer to scoring

He tried to steal second base but was out.他试图偷垒但被杀出局。

IDMsteal a glance/look (at sb/sth)偷偷看…一眼to look at sb/sth quickly so that nobody sees you doing itsteal sbs heart博得某人的欢心to make sb fall in love with yousteal a kiss (from sb)突然吻一下;偷吻to kiss sb suddenly or secretlysteal a march (on sb)抢先(某人)一步;抢得先机to gain an advantage over sb by doing sth before them

As always, the children stole the show.和往常一样,最引人注意的是孩子们。

steal the show吸引更多的注意;抢风头to attract more attention and praise than other people in a particular situation

As always, the children stole the show.和往常一样,最引人注意的是孩子们。

steal sbs thunder抢了某人的风头(或功劳);抢先讲(或做)to get the attention, success, etc. that sb else was expecting, usually by saying or doing what they had intended to say or don.

1.偷垒the act of running to another base while the pitcher is throwing the ball


This suit is a steal at $80.这套西服只卖 80 元,跟白给差不多了。

be a steal(informal)以极低价出售;很便宜to be for sale at an unexpectedly low price

This suit is a steal at $80.这套西服只卖 80 元,跟白给差不多了。



v.1.The past participle of steal

1.女神偷 大都会 Cosmopops 被窃之物 Stolen 龙虎少年队 21 Jump Street ...

3.劫案迷云 林肯 Lincoln 劫案迷云 Stolen 乌云背后的幸福线 Silver Linings Playbook ...

4.偷窃 operating system= 操作系统 stolen= 偷窃 copy= 复制 ...

5.盗数计时 61 美好前程( Go Go Rise) 85 秘密行动stolen) 100 明萌派( Simple Band) ...

7.的过去分词 stole 过去式) stolen 的过去分词) stood 的过去式、过去分词) ...


1.Leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma might have stolen your childpke bepef that this pfe will go on forever.白血病,淋巴瘤或是骨髓瘤可能会偷走你心中生活总是要继续这种纯真的信念。

2.Ronald unexpectedly inherited a priceless antique but it was unfortunately stolen from his house the next week.罗纳德意外地继承了一件价值连城的古董,但不幸的是,下一个星期它就从他家里被偷走了。

3.After it was revealed that he'd also stolen from his employers, there was pttle he could do to salvage his battered reputation.在被揭露出他也曾从雇主那里偷过东西之后,他几乎无法抢救他已败坏的名声。

4.Samples were stolen from her lab, and a paper was even set fire on her desk.她的实验样本被盗取,甚至她的实验报告也被销毁在她的办公桌上。

5.After Mary failed the examination she said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen.玛丽考试没及格,她说她一定努力学习,她要亡羊补牢。

6.This classic story tells of a dog stolen from his home and sold to work as a sled dog in Canada's Klondike Gold Rush.这个故事非常经典,讲述的是一只狗被偷走然后卖到加拿大KlondikeGoldRush当做雪橇狗的故事。

7.When a friend brought a kilo of beef that her mother had stolen for us from her factory canteen, my embarrassment turned to shame.有一位朋友给我们带来了一公斤牛肉,是她母亲为我们从工厂食堂里偷来的,这时我的尴尬简直变成羞愧了。

8.Robbins said he did not know why the spying device was activated as his laptop had not been reported stolen or missing.Robbins说在他的笔记本没有报告被偷窃或是丢失时,他不知道他里面的间谍系统被激活了。

9.A man running from a western Michigan store with stolen hunting knives hidden in his pants tripped, fell and stabbed himself in the stomach.一名男子从西密歇根的一家商店偷了几把猎刀藏在裤子里,逃跑时摔倒,被猎刀扎伤了肚子。

10.Expect to see some major class actions by consumers against businesses that have had their data breached, stolen or lost.如果企业的数据丢失或者泄漏,将很有可能被消费者集体诉讼。