


美式发音: [ˈoʊnər] 英式发音: [ˈəʊnə(r)]



复数:owners  搭配同义词

adj.+n.original owner,current owner,beneficial owner,previous owner,copyright owner

v.+n.find owner,become owner,kill owner,include owner,charge owner



owner显示所有例句n.— see alsohomeowner,landowner

1.物主;所有权人;主人a person who owns sth

a dog/factory owner狗的主人;工厂主

The painting has been returned to its rightful owner .这幅画已归还给合法所有权人。

He's now the proud owner of a cottage in Wales.现在他很得意自己在威尔士有一座小别墅。


n.1.someone who owns something

1.所有者 worried 烦恼的;焦虑的 owner 拥有者;所有者 Oxford University 牛津大学 ...

2.拥有者 ※ Profit Yesterday 昨天利润 ※ Owner 业主 ※ Rating 等级 ...

4.物主 owing to 由于,因为 owner 物主,所有人 ownership 所有(权),所有制 ...

5.所有人 owing to 由于,因为 owner 物主,所有人 ownership 所有(权),所有制 ...

6.主人 real a.真正的 owner n.主人 spring n.弹簧 ...

7.船东 (4)程租船的船东(Owner)分为两种:a.租船公司、b.船舶操作代理(Operator)。实 际 上很多“二船东”公司兼有两种身份。


1.These views made Ichabod dreaming. He began to imagine that he became the owner of the farm when he married Catherina.此等景象让伊查波特想入非非,他开始想象他娶到卡特琳娜成了这个农场的主人时的情景。

2."We keep trying to figure it out, " he said. "Where is the money going? We think it may be going to hold up the owner's other businesses. "“我们一直在试着搞清楚,”埃尔南德斯说,“那些钱去了哪里?我们认为,它可能会被用在雇主的其他生意上。”

3.After I freshened up, I met with the owner. From his entourage and the car he drove, I figured that he must be very rich.我梳洗后,接见屋主,从他和随行的人开来的车子,相信屋主是很有钱的。

4.The bar's owner said the octopus has always been right so far - and he hopes he's right again.酒吧的老板说,到目前为止,章鱼的选择都是正确的——他希望这次也是正确的。

5.It was held that there was no contract as the owner's reply had not been an offer to sell.人们认为这过程没有达成合同,因为业主的答复不是销售要约。

6.I've always been a pack rat, and the amount of meaningless stuff I'd acquired would make a pawn shop owner blush.我一直是个喜欢收藏东西的人,我拥有的没用的东西的数量足以使一个当铺的老板羞愧。

7.A dog that always pulls on the leash does not respect his owner as a pack leader, so I put a stop to it with a prong collar.狗儿经常拉牵引带,不把主人作为领袖来尊重。这种情况下我会使用带刺的项圈来让狗儿停下来。

8.She said she would have no guilt about swooping in on some foreclosed owner who had bought a place he could not afford.她说她扑向那些因为买下负担不起的地方而房屋要被抵押收回的屋主之时,会毫无内疚之感。

9.His mother remains convinced that the carpet factory owner had a hand in his kilpng.他的母亲至今仍坚信这个地毯工厂主是背后的元凶之一。

10.While less expensive than personal training, the classes often act as a "feeder" for higher-end services, said the owner, Greg Justice.尽管费用和私人健身中心相比会低,但是课堂通常称为了填鸭式的高端服务,老板格雷格.贾斯特斯说。