




1.英运物流 Electech-Plate 艾特普雷 Exel 艾格赛尔 Forever Raise 升恒化工 ...

4.金鹰国际运中心搬迁到广东花都,配合新建的国际机场,可以预期广州即将成为一个重要的物流中心。金鹰国际Exel)、TNT、DHL …


6.金鹰国际货运代理有限公司 爱诺玛亚 VCR 茅台 EXEL 慕士塔格 muztaga ...


1.The company is also looking to profit down the road from a partnership that it formed with Exepxis (Nasdaq: EXEL) this past December.公司同时也关注到在去年12月利润下降的合作伙伴Exepxis(纳斯达克:EXEL)。

2.Lynch was one Lakers first-round pick from North Caropna who didn't do much in L. A. , but second-rounder Van Exel had an impact.来自北卡的首轮新秀Lynch并没有在洛杉矶有太多的表现,但次轮的VanExel却对球队产生了影响。

3.He started in only a handful of games during his rookie season, coming off the bench in support of Nick Van Exel and Eddie Jones.他在他的新秀赛季中只有极少数的比赛能够先发,而作为板凳球员为范·埃克塞尔和埃迪·琼斯提供支持。

4."They never really put us away, " Van Exel said. "They had lots of chances to put the nail in the coffin, but they never did. "“他们从来没有把我们落得太远”范埃克塞尔说“他们有很多机会奠定胜局但他们没抓住。”

5.The French group Exel Industries is a world leader in the design & supply of coating equipment for Automotive and General Industries.法国艾格赛我产业团体是天下上设想取造制喷涂装备的带领者之一,产物提高汽车业战普通产业范畴。

6.Why has Deutsche Post World Net decided to acquire Exel?问:德国邮政全球网络为什么决定购买Exel?

7.Exel primarily offers transport and logistics solutions for key customers.Exel的业务是为主要顾客提供运输与物流解决方案。

8.The DHL brand was further strengthened by Deutsche Post World Net's acquisition of Exel in December 2005.2005年12月德国邮政全球网络并购Exel的举措进一步巩固了DHL的品牌。

9.Around 111, 000 employees work for Exel in 135 countries.Exel在全球135个国家拥有约111,000名员工。

10.Which area do you want to improve when using exel tool , i. e.下列哪项是你使用excel工具时最希望提高的?