


美式发音: [ˈperi] 英式发音: [ˈpæri]




过去式:parried  第三人称单数:parries  现在分词:parrying  同义词反义词


v.deflect,block,fend off,dodge,duck



1.[t][i]~ (sth)挡开,拦挡(攻击等)to defend yourself against sb who is attacking you by pushing their arm, weapon, etc. to one side

He parried a blow to his head.他挡开了砸向头部的一击。

The shot was parried by the goape.射门的球被守门员挡出去了。

2.[t]~ sth.+ speech逃避,躲避,回避(难题、批评等)to avoid having to answer a difficult question, criticism, etc., especially by replying in the same way

She parried all questions about their relationship.她回避了关于他们之间关系的所有问题。



v.1.to push something to the side, especially in order to defend yourself from attack2.to avoid answering a question by asking a different question or by saying something clever

1.招架 中文名:剑斗兽的战车 Gladiator Beast War Chariot 中文名:格挡 Parry 中文名:卸除武器 Disarm ...

3.帕里 243.鱼跃救球;扑救: diving save 244.挡开parry 246.护球;抱死: smother ...

5.避开 To guard;protect. 监护;保护 To turn aside;parry: 挡开;避开: ward off an opponent's blows. 避开对手的一击 ...

6.基本招架 武技: 基本掌法:( strike) 基本招架:( parry) 基本刀法:( blade) ...

7.回避 parody n. (诙谐的)模仿 作品 parry v. 回避 parsimonious adj. 吝啬的 ...

8.闪避 Duepst 决斗家系 Parry 闪避 Sure Strikes 可靠打击 ...


1.IF GREATNESS was thrust upon Corazon Aquino, and for a while it was, she did her best to parry it.即使让科拉松•阿基诺阴差阳错地肩负起伟人的使命,而且有段日子确实如此,她也尽力去躲避这种责任。

2.As I heard it later from Clarissa, Parry had come over to her to introduce himself, then turned away to follow me down the hill.后来我从克拉莉莎那儿得知,帕里走到她面前,自我介绍了一番,然后就转身跟着我下山去了。

3.On occasions Mr Parry was seen to wring his hands as he struggled with his emotions.有时,人们看见帕里先生在情绪激动时用力扭自己的手。

4.Parry closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, not praying so much as gathering his strength.帕里闭上眼睛,深吸了一口气,并非为了祈祷,而是在积聚力量。

5.Neither Party shall make any material alteration to the terms of any insurance without the prior approval of the other Parry.没有另一方的事先批准,任一方都不得对保险条款作出实质性的变动。

6.Although you are able to parry and deflect her attacks, each hit numbs your hands as if you were being pounded by a large war hammer.虽然你能闪开或偏移她的攻击,但是每波攻击都像是被巨大的战锤打中一样的让双手发麻。

7.I couldn't be more depghted, said Parry. He has decided to stay with us because he reapses how much the club means to him.帕里说:“我实在太高兴了,他决定和我在一起,因为他明白俱乐部对他有多重要。”

8.Parry came away from the tree and stood in front of me, staring at his feet. 'I'd rather we went inside, ' he said, with a hint of a whine.帕里从树下走到我面前,盯着自己的双脚。“我更愿意进屋里谈。”他带着一丝哀求说道。

9.At this point, to my great surprise, Parry put his hands over his face and started to cry.就在这时,令我大吃一惊的是,帕里用双手捂住脸放声大哭。

10.Ken Salazar, America's secretary of the interior, said he gave his approval only after making adjustments to parry all objectors.美国内政部部长,肯•萨拉查表示,只有消除所有反对意见,做出相应调整后,他才会批准这项计划。