


美式发音: [ˈtretʃərəs] 英式发音: ['tretʃərəs]




adj.+n.treacherous sea





1.不可信任的;背叛的;奸诈的that cannot be trusted; intending to harm you

He was weak, cowardly and treacherous.他软弱、胆怯、奸诈。

lying, treacherous words阴险的谎话

2.有潜在危险的dangerous, especially when seeming safe

The ice on the roads made driving conditions treacherous.路上的冰对驾车构成了隐患。

adj.1.叛逆的,背叛的,不忠的 (to);奸诈的,靠不住的

adj.1.very dangerous, especially because the dangers are not obvious2.someone who is treacherous pretends that they support you but secretly tries to harm you, for example by helping an enemy

1.背叛的 transgress 越过 treacherous 背叛的 tremendous 惊人的 ...

2.危险的 odoriferous 有香味的,芳香的 treacherous 阴险的,危险的 lecherous 好色的 ...

3.奸诈的 dissuade vt. 劝阻 treacherous a. 暗藏危险的;奸诈的 cape n. 海角 ...

4.叛逆的 jagged: 不平的 treacherous叛逆的 shoals: 浅滩 ...

5.不忠的 tray 盘,碟 treacherous 虚伪的,不忠的 tread 踩,践踏 ...

6.暗藏危险的 dissuade vt. 劝阻 treacherous a. 暗藏危险的;奸诈的 cape n. 海角 ...

7.阴险 阴文〖 characterscutinintagpo〗 阴险〖 insidious;sinister;treacherous〗 阴笑〖 insidioussmile〗 ...


1.Now, investors say they do not know where the bottom is, making investment in US assets particularly treacherous.如今,投资者表示,他们不知道美元的谷底在哪里,这让投资美元资产变得尤为危险。

2.By now it was perfectly clear to everybody that what was hanging above our heads was no visit but a crude invasion. Crude and treacherous.到这时候大家才恍然大悟了:挂在我们头顶的那些玩意儿哪是来造访,分明是公然的入侵,卑鄙无耻的入侵。

3.And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it.她行这些事以后,我说她必归向我,她却不归向我。她奸诈的妹妹犹大也看见了。

4.The rocks were treacherous enough dry and in the pght of day. No way could we negotiate our way down them in the dark and wet.白天的时候岩石还干的很,现在又黑又湿,我们想踩着它们下去,门儿都没有。

5.If you know people's journeys are going to be treacherous, then arguably the match would be the cause of any accidents.如果你知道人们的旅行将会是危险的,那么比赛可能成为任何事故的原因。

6.And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the LORD.虽有这一切的事,她奸诈的妹妹犹大还不一心归向我,不过是假意归我。这是耶和华说的。

7.The Iraqi miptary and popce forces the U. S. is trying to cobble together will mostly prove unrepable, unwarpke and treacherous.伊拉克人军队和警察强迫美国正在试着一起铺鹅卵石将会大概不可靠的,不战争的和叛逆的。

8.Again he lowered his head and gazed into the fascinating and yet treacherous depths of that magnetic, bluish, purple pool.他又低下头来,盯住这蓝中带紫的池塘里迷人而险恶的湖底。

9.Cao Cao is still a warlord, but he's no longer as treacherous. He starts from scratch and strives to leave his mark on history.曹操仍是诸侯,但他并非阴险狡诈,而是白手起家,力图名垂青史。

10.She tried to go away, but her feet were treacherous, and carried her to the group instead.她想走开,可是她那双脚偏不听话,偏把她带到那一群同学那儿。