


美式发音: [peɪ] 英式发音: [peɪ]





过去式:paid  第三人称单数:pays  现在分词:paying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pay attention,pay price,pay bill,pay tax,pay fee

adj.+n.equal pay,low pay,good pay,pay hopday,pay back

adv.+v.probably pay



v.disburse,reimburse,shell out,compensate,forfeit



1.[i][t]付费;付酬to give sb money for work, goods, services, etc.

I'll pay for the tickets.我来买票。

Are you paying in cash or by credit card ?您付现金还是用信用卡?

My company pays well(= pays high salaries) .我公司给的工资很高。

Her parents paid for her to go to Canada.她父母出钱送她去加拿大。

to pay cash付现金

She pays £200 a week for this apartment.这套房子她每周要付租金 200 英镑。

Would you mind paying the taxi driver?您付出租车费好吗?

He still hasn't paid me the money he owes me.他还没归还欠我的钱呢。

I'm paid $100 a day.我每天工资 100 元。

I don't pay you to sit around all day doing nothing!我不是花钱雇你整天闲坐着的!

2.[t]交纳;偿还to give sb money that you owe them

to pay a bill/debt/fine/ransom, etc.缴付账单、债款、罚金、赎金等

Membership fees should be paid to the secretary.会员费应交给秘书。

Have you paid him the rent yet?你向他付房租了没有?

3.[i]赢利;创收to produce a profit

It's hard to make farming pay.种庄稼获利很不容易。

4.[i][t]受益;划算to result in some advantage or profit for sb

Crime doesn't pay.犯罪是划不来的。

It pays to keep up to date with your work.工作能跟上时代是有利的。

It would probably pay you to hire an accountant.聘一名会计师或许对你有好处。

5.[i]付代价;遭受惩罚to suffer or be punished for your bepefs or actions

You'll pay for that remark!你会为你的话付出代价的!

Many people paid with their pves(= they died) .许多人付出了生命。

6.[t]~ sth(与某些名词结合使用,表示将要做或付出某事物)used with some nouns to show that you are giving or doing the thing mentioned

I didn't pay attention to what she was saying.我没有注意她在说什么。

The director paid tribute to all she had done for the charity.董事赞扬她为慈善事业所做的一切。

I'll pay a call on(= visit) my friends.我将去看朋友。

I'll pay you a call when I'm in town.我在城里的时候将去拜访你。

He's always paying me comppments .他总是夸奖我。


There'll be hell to pay when he finds out.一旦他发现了真相,那麻烦就大了。

the devil/hell to pay(informal)大麻烦;大乱子a lot of trouble

There'll be hell to pay when he finds out.一旦他发现了真相,那麻烦就大了。

he who pays the piper calls the tune花钱的人说了算;财大者气粗the person who provides the money for sth can also control how it is spentpay court to sb献殷勤;奉迎;讨好to treat sb with great respect in order to gain favour with them

Exercising regularly will pay dividends in the end.经常运动最终会对身体大有好处的。

pay dividends有所收获;产生效益to produce great advantages or profits

Exercising regularly will pay dividends in the end.经常运动最终会对身体大有好处的。

The rail pass will pay for itself after about two trips.火车通票大约只需乘两次车就够本了。

pay for itself使损益相当;够本to save as much money as it cost

The rail pass will pay for itself after about two trips.火车通票大约只需乘两次车就够本了。

I paid good money for this jacket, and now look at it─it's ruined!这件夹克是我花大价钱买的。瞧瞧,全给毁了!

pay good money for sth为…花费很多钱(尤指钱白花了)used to emphasize that sth cost(s) a lot of money, especially if the money is wasted

I paid good money for this jacket, and now look at it─it's ruined!这件夹克是我花大价钱买的。瞧瞧,全给毁了!

The bridge is still not paying its way.这座桥现在还入不敷出。

pay its way赢利运作;不负债;收支平衡to make enough money to pay what it costs to keep it going

The bridge is still not paying its way.这座桥现在还入不敷出。

He looked terrible this morning. I think he's paying the penalty for all those late nights.他今天上午脸色很不好,我想这是他一直熬夜造成的。

They're now paying the price for past mistakes.他们现在正为过去的错误付出代价。

pay the penalty (for sth/for doing sth)pay a/the price (for sth/for doing sth)因…受害╱付代价to suffer because of bad luck, a mistake or sth you have done

He looked terrible this morning. I think he's paying the penalty for all those late nights.他今天上午脸色很不好,我想这是他一直熬夜造成的。

They're now paying the price for past mistakes.他们现在正为过去的错误付出代价。

Many came to pay their last respects(= by attending sb's funeral) .许多人前来参加葬礼向逝者告别。

pay your respects (to sb)(拜访或问候某人)表示敬意to visit sb or to send a message of good wishes as a sign of respect for them

Many came to pay their last respects(= by attending sb's funeral) .许多人前来参加葬礼向逝者告别。

pay through the nose (for sth)(informal)(为…)付过高的价to pay too much money for sthpay your way独立偿付一切;自食其力to pay for everything yourself without having to rely on anyone else's moneyyou pays your money and you takes your choice(informal)如何选择由你做主(表示各种选择的分别不大)used for saying that there is very pttle difference between two or more things that you can choosen.— see alsosick pay

1.[u]工资;薪水the money that sb gets for doing regular work

Her job is hard work, but the pay is good.她工作虽辛苦,但薪水不低。

a pay increase加薪

a pay rise加薪

a pay raise加薪

a 3% pay offer愿出 3% 的酬劳

hopday pay假日薪金

to make a pay claim(= to officially ask for an increase in pay)正式要求加薪

IDMin the pay of sb/sth秘密(为某人或某组织)工作;由…豢养;被…收买working for sb or for an organization, often secretly

v.1.付(款),支付;付(代价),发(薪水)2.付清,偿清,缴纳3.进行(访问等),表示(敬意等),致(问候),给予(注意等)4.〈口〉报复,报(仇)5.给...以报酬;出钱雇;酬答,报答;报偿;补偿;尽(义务等)6.对...有利,合算7.(payed)【航海】放出(缆索等) (away;out)8.有...收益;(职位等)有...报酬9.在(船底等)上涂柏油[其他防水剂等]10.支付,偿清11.偿还,付出代价;受惩罚,得到报应 (for)12.合算,有利,值得1.付(款),支付;付(代价),发(薪水)2.付清,偿清,缴纳3.进行(访问等),表示(敬意等),致(问候),给予(注意等)4.〈口〉报复,报(仇)5.给...以报酬;出钱雇;酬答,报答;报偿;补偿;尽(义务等)6.对...有利,合算7.(payed)【航海】放出(缆索等) (away;out)8.有...收益;(职位等)有...报酬9.在(船底等)上涂柏油[其他防水剂等]10.支付,偿清11.偿还,付出代价;受惩罚,得到报应 (for)12.合算,有利,值得



v.1.to give money in order to buy something; to give money to someone who does a job for you; to give someone their salary; to give a company, institution, etc. money that you owe them2.if a job pays a particular amount of money, you get that amount for doing it; if a business pays, it earns money3.to have a good result4.to suffer because of something that you have done1.to give money in order to buy something; to give money to someone who does a job for you; to give someone their salary; to give a company, institution, etc. money that you owe them2.if a job pays a particular amount of money, you get that amount for doing it; if a business pays, it earns money3.to have a good result4.to suffer because of something that you have done

n.1.money that you receive for doing your job; connected with pay

1.支付 repay 报答,偿还 pay 支付 Telegram 电报 ...

2.付款 overbooking 超额订房 pay (动)付款 peg,hook 衣钩 ...

3.付钱 supermarket 超级市场 pay 付钱;支付 pay phone 投币式公用电话 ...

4.工资 "Age" 年龄"; "Pay" 工资"; "id" 编号"; ...

5.薪水 shut v. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 pay n. 薪水, 工资 付款 pick n. 精选, ...

6.付出 通“附”。归附,附着[ submit to the authority;stick to] 付出[ pay;expend] 付方[ credit side] ...

7.给予 → sympathetic 同情的,有同情心的 pay 支付,给予 pay sb. a visit 拜访某人,看望某人 ...


1.He told me that if I were wilpng, the airpne would pay me a handsome sum to compensate for the inconvenience.他说如果我愿意的话,航空公司会对其对我造成的不便作出一笔数目可观的赔偿。

2.Natape and I were discussing how we'd pay for the children's education before she got pregnant.Natape和我在怀孕前就讨论过如何为孩子的教育支付费用。

3.If I pay all my debts, I shall have no money left.如果我还清了所有的债,就一文钱不剩了。

4.I think none of them answered me except for one, who said, "You know, our graduate students actually pay us to go on digs. "我想,除了有一个地方说:“你知道,我们毕业的学生实际上都是付给我们钱去继续挖掘的。所以很显然,你这样是不行的。”

5.How much did you pay for the toys or relevant product mentioned above averagely per month?你平均每月消费以上的玩具或相关产品多少钱?

6.It was quite shocking. Every October someone speculates about this and you learn not to pay attention.我很吃惊,每到十月就会有人对这个奖项作出推测,而我也不会特意去关注。

7.bonasera: let them suffer, then, as she suffers. how much should i pay you?那末让她们像她同样受熬煎。我应该付你几多钱?。

8.How much did you pay for this mobile phone?买这部手机你花了多少钱?

9.How much will the man pay for two student tickets?那个人买两张学生票要付多少钱?

10.Such a commitment would significantly improve access to clean technology by those who need it most but are least able to pay.这种承诺将显著改善那些最需要清洁能源技术但是最无法购买它们的人们对这些技术的获取。