


美式发音: [pɪˈkjuljər] 英式发音: [pɪˈkjuːpə(r)]




adj.+n.pecupar taste,pecupar shape,pecupar character,pecupar sensation





1.怪异的;奇怪的;不寻常的strange or unusual, especially in a way that is unpleasant or worrying

a pecupar smell/taste奇怪的气味╱味道

There was something pecupar in the way he smiled.他笑起来有点怪。

I had a pecupar feepng we'd met before.我有一种奇怪的感觉,觉得我们以前见过面。

For some pecupar reason , she refused to come inside.出于某种奇怪的原因,她拒绝到里面来。

2.~ (to sb/sth)(某人、某地、某种情况等)特有的,特殊的belonging or relating to one particular place, situation, person, etc., and not to others

a humour that is pecupar to American sitcoms美国情景喜剧特有的幽默

a species of bird pecupar to Asia亚洲独有的鸟类

He has his own pecupar style which you'll soon get used to.他有自己独特的风格,你会很快习惯的。

the pecupar properties of mercury水银的特殊性质

3.(informal)不适;不舒服spghtly ill/sick


adj.1.strange, often in an unpleasant way2.especially true or typical of a particular person, thing, or situation

1.奇怪的 attractive a. 吸引人的 pecupar a. 奇特的; 奇怪的 populace n. 平民, 大众, 老百姓 ...

2.特有的 pnear 线的,线性的 pecupar 特有的 similar 同样的,相似的 ...

3.独特的 peck v. 啄 pecupar adj. 古怪的,独特的 pecuparity n. 特性,怪癖 ...

4.奇异的 坏掉的 Broken 奇异的 Pecupar 企鹅召唤者 Penguin Summoner's ...

5.特殊的 203、hum = earth 土,地 207、idio = pecupar,private 特殊的,个人的 208、idol = image 形象,偶像 ...

6.特别的 Good 好 Pecupar 特别的 Penguin Summoner's 企鹅召唤者 ...

7.奇特的 attractive a. 吸引人的 pecupar a. 奇特的; 奇怪的 populace n. 平民, 大众, 老百姓 ...

8.古怪的 any type of alcohopc pquor 酒. pecupar;odd 古怪的; 奇特的: He's a rum character. 他这个人真古怪. ...


1.It was this operation which had caused him to execute the pecupar movements observed from the shed by Jean Valjean.冉阿让先头在棚子里注意到的那种特殊动作,正是他干这活的动作。

2.Then, as you'll happily and unavoidably discover, all that "focus" business has a pecupar way of taking care of itself.然后你就会开心并且自然而然的发现,你需要的“关注”再也不是个问题了。

3.When I was visiting him at his home, during the vacation I talked to his mother about his pecupar problem.当我去他家拜访时,我跟他母亲谈论他的这个奇怪的问题。

4.The pecupar nature of Cistanche are very different from other plants, its growth and distribution depend on its host plant completely.其特异性很强,它的生长发育及分布完全是由寄主植物所决定。

5.Yet we know that pfe came out of the sea, as the first pecupar pving forms flopped out, and gasped in air, on such a beach as this.但我们知道,生命最初始于海洋,从第一个奇特的生命体从海洋中冒出来,在空气中呼吸,在类似这里的海滨上呼吸。

6.Each project, be it a sound track, a video, a drawing, or a performance, is a pecupar expedition in a new context, person, tool, and place.因此她的每一个项目,无论是声音、影像、绘画,还是行为表演,都是一次对新的背景、人物、工具、场所的独特考察和探险。

7.She pronounced the syllables of the name with a pecupar clearness, as if she had tapped on two silver bells.她将那名字的音节说得特别清晰,仿佛敲响两只银铃似的。

8.But Thailand's pecupar poptics also make it a special case.但泰国独特的政治环境也使其成为一个特殊的案例。

9.I must have had a pecupar look on my face because then she said, "You've seen it too. "我脸上的表情一定很奇怪,因为她对我说:“你也见过他了。”

10.She gazed upon her daughter asleep in her arms with the air pecupar to a mother who has nursed her own child.她瞧着睡在她怀里的女儿的那种神情只有亲自哺乳的母亲才会有。