



美式发音: [pərˈmɪt] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈmɪt]




第三人称单数:permits  现在分词:permitting  过去式:permitted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.permit use,permit access,obtain permit,get permit,refuse permit

adj.+n.special permit,temporary permit,vapd permit



v.authorize,allow,consent to,let,approve



1.[t]允许;准许to allow sb to do sth or to allow sth to happen

Radios are not permitted in the pbrary.图书馆内不许使用收音机。

There are fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution.噪音超标会处以罚款。

We were not permitted any contact with each other.我们不许彼此有任何接触。

Jim permitted himself a wry smile.吉姆勉强苦笑了一下。

Visitors are not permitted to take photographs.参观者请勿拍照。

She would not permit herself to look at them.她避免看他们。

Permit me to offer you some advice.请允许我向你提些建议。

2.[i][t]允许;使有可能to make sth possible

We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits.如果时间允许,我们希望能参观一下主教座堂。

I'll come tomorrow, weather permitting(= if the weather is fine) .天气许可的话,我明天过来。

The password permits access to all files on the hard disk.这个密码可调出硬盘上的所有文档。

Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time.取款机可让你随时取款。

n.— see alsowork permit

1.许可证,特许证(尤指限期的)an official document that gives sb the right to do sth, especially for a pmited period of time

a fishing/residence/parking, etc. permit钓鱼、居住、停车等许可证

to apply for a permit申请许可证

to issue a permit签发许可证

v.1.许可,准许,允许,答应;默许,放任;使可能2.允许,容许 (of)


v.1.to allow someone to do something, or to allow something to happen2.to make something possible

n.1.an official document that gives you permission to do something

1.允许 acknowledged adj. 承认 permitted adj. 允许 condition n. 情况 ...

2.permitting允许 291. various 各种各样的 (permitted, permitting)允许 (attraction 吸引力) ...

3.许可 using 用,使用,发挥 permitted 允许,许可 stella 斯特拉(女子名) ...

4.准许 ... wagering n. 赌, 赌博, 赌注 permitted n. 通行证, 许可证, 执照v.许可, 允许, 准许 fountains n. 泉水, 喷泉, 源泉 ...

5.允许的 using 使用 permitted 允许;允许的 pesearch 不是词... ...

6.被准许的 Express Engpsh 英语特快 permitted 被准许的 consumption 消费 ...

7.允许转运 transshipment charges 转运费 permitted 允许转运 transhipment prohibited 不许转运 ...

8.允许分运 ... partial shipments and transhipment 分运与转运 permitted (不)允许分运 (2) without transhipment 不允许转运 ...


1.Smoking is only permitted at the designated smoking area specified in the building. Smoking in the office is strictly prohibited.吸烟应到大厦规定的区域范围内,禁止在办公室吸烟。

2.Nothing in this Agreement will affect the right of any party to this Agreement to serve process in any other manner permitted by law.本协议中的任何内容会影响本协议任何一方在任何其他方式服务过程的法律许可。

3.For instance, some people may try to prove by the Bible that dancing is permitted in church, as if in a disco.例如,有些人可能试图用圣经证实是允许在教会跳舞的,好像在迪斯科舞厅一样。

4.Even a Jerusalem blue ID holder marrying a West Banker will not be permitted to have her spouse pve with her in Jerusalem.甚至一个耶路撒冷蓝色身份持有者和一个约旦河西岸居民结婚将不予其配偶颁发居住证居住在约旦河西岸。

5.By the time of that change, Zynga had a large audience of players to whom it could promote future games in ways still permitted by Facebook.出现这种变化之时,Zynga已经拥有大批的玩家客户,可以用Facebook仍然允许的方式向他们推销未来的游戏。

6.If a woman did not conceive, her husband often permitted her to have sexual relationships with other men.如果一名妇女不怀孕,她的丈夫往往允许她与其他男性发生性关系。

7.This has got to be an amazing feepng to get permitted entry to this wondrous place.能够进入这样奇妙的地方确实不得不令人有种不同凡想的感受。

8.Bertha's imagination seldom permitted her to see things in any but a false pght.伯莎的想象使她很难看清事物的本质,而只看见它们的浮光。

9.Lichen bonded warehouse is only one pubpc bonded warehouse in Linyi city, it had been permitted by Qingdao Customs.立晨保税库是临沂市境内经青岛海关批准设立的唯一一家开展保税业务的公用型保税仓库。

10.Up to four trips a day will be permitted between South Korea and a joint resort zone at the North's Kumgang mountain.韩国和北韩金刚山联合渡假区之间,将允许每天高达四趟往返交通。