


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌpəsɪ'vɪərənt]





1.能坚持的 perseverance 毅力 perseverant 能坚持的 persevering 坚忍的 ...

2.坚持不懈 ... academic adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的 perseverant n. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠 contrary adj. 相反的;对 …

3.不屈不挠 ... academic adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的 perseverant n. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠 contrary adj. 相反的;对 …

4.不屈不挠的 optimistic 乐观的 perseverant 不屈不挠的 pessimistic 悲观的 ...

5.表示的是坚持 ... 的意思,“T”是坚韧“ Tenacious” 的以上,“P”表示的是坚持Perseverant” 的意思,而“A”则是敏捷“ agip…

6.坚忍不拔个性特质包括具有领导能力(leadership)、坚忍不拔perseverant)、创新能力(creative)、抱负不凡(ambitious)、乐 …

7.有毅力的 self-confident 自信 perseverant 有毅力的 creative 有创造力的 ...


1.It has an extremely sensitive nose, and is inquisitive and perseverant in investigating scents.他的嗅觉极端灵敏,对气味好奇,且能坚持研究。

2.Be perseverant and keep learning everyday. Do not let some other things impede your learning.要有坚强的毅力,每天都学习,不因为某些事而耽误了学习。

3.When fighting against the irrational but overwhelming conservative conventions, women should be more courageous and perseverant.在反抗那些压倒性的不合理的习俗时,女性应该更勇敢,更锲而不舍。

4.China is known for its hardworking, courteous and perseverant people and its boundless cultural gems.中华民族吃苦耐劳、知书达礼,传统文化博大精深。

5.In these activities he encourages people to love their pves, learn to be perseverant and optimistic.透过这些活动,他鼓励人更热爱生命,学习坚毅与乐观。

6.Be perseverant at critical moments. Be strong in trouble. Gradually, you will know persistence will be power.关键时刻咬咬牙,身处困境挺挺胸,慢慢的,你会知道,坚持具有力量。

7.Only when we have our own ideals, can we find the origin of energy and enthusiasm in pfe, and become active and perseverant .只有当我们有我们自己的理想,才能找到能量和热情在生命的起源,并成为积极,锲而不舍。

8.Add your scores. The higher your score, the more perseverant you are.将你所得的分数相加,分数越高,表明你的坚持力越强。

9.Second, we should be both perseverant and hardworking.第二,我们既要perseverant和勤劳。

10.Secondly, you must be perseverant其次,必须要有恒心。