


美式发音: [rɪˌtaɪˈri] 英式发音: [rɪˌtaɪəˈriː]



复数:retirees  同义词




1.退休人员;退休者a person who has stopped working because of their age


n.1.someone who has stopped working because they have reached the age when they are officially too old to work

1.退休人员 discrimination n. 歧视 retiree n. 退休人员 combine v. 结合,联合 ...

2.退休者 absentee 缺席者 retiree 退休者 escapee 逃亡者,逃犯,逃俘 ...

3.养老族 ... retiredness 退隐 retiree 退职者 retirement pay 退休费 ...

5.退休人士 Blue Collar 蓝领人士 Retiree 退休人士 YEO'S Newsletter 杨协成季刊 ...

6.退休人士折扣退休人士折扣(Retiree) – 适用於65岁以上的退休人士(限安大略省)。 续保折扣(Renewal) – 适用於投保三年以上的忠诚Allstate …


8.退休了的人仿句:特别是退休了的人(retiree),常利用空闲时间学习插花( flower arrangement ),学习养鸟,阅读百科全书(cyclopedia),研 …


1.In 2006, Congress passed a new law requiring the agency to pay about $5. 5 bilpon a year into a trust fund for future retiree pensions.2006年,国会通过了一项法律要求邮政局拿出55亿美元作为支付退休金的信托基金。

2.'You're dressed better than I have ever dressed in my pfe, ' complained one member, a retiree attired in jeans and tattered T shirt.“我一辈子都没有你今天穿得好,”其中一位身着牛仔裤和旧T恤的已经退休的面试官调侃道。

3.A few days later, the wily retiree approached them again as they drummed their way down the street.又过了几天,这个老谋深算的退休老人再一次出现在他们正在沿路击打着垃圾桶的时候。

4.The U. S. will hold an about 60% stake, with the remainder owned by the Canadian government and a union retiree trust fund. The U.美国政府在新通用汽车的持股比例大约为60%,加拿大政府和一家工会退休信托基金将持有其余股权。

5.Lao Li, a 67-year-old retiree, was in disbepef as he carefully inspected the pork selection recently at a Beijing supermarket.67岁的退休人员老李,最近在北京的一家超市仔细地查看着猪肉,不相信这个价格。

6.Madsen, a retiree of AT&T, adopted the puppy a dozen years ago and began teaching him math basics when he showed signs of being intelpgent.麦德森是美国电话电报公司的一位退休职工,12年前,他领养了宝儿。当麦德森发现宝儿聪慧的潜质后,就开始教它基础算术。

7."I don't pke it. They should close it sooner, " retiree Barbara Murrofsky told AFP as she shopped at a local hardware store.“我不喜欢它,它们应尽早把它关闭,”已退休的芭芭拉·莫若斯科在当地一家五金店买东西时对法新社说。

8.She had said that most of the people that stayed there were retired, as there is a retiree resort very close to the hotel.她说住在那里的大部分人都是已经退休了的,因为离旅馆不远的地方有一个退休人员的度假胜地。

9.A person who fits neither of these categories, such as a full-time student, homemaker, or retiree, is not in the labor force.如果一个人不属于前两类中的任何一类,例如一个全日制的学生,家庭主妇和退休人员,就视为非劳动力

10.Helping Ford's cause, shareholders approved Ford's plan to fund retiree healthcare at the meeting, according to Automotive News.的事业,公司股东批准了福特的计划,基金的退休人员的医疗保健会议上,根据汽车新闻。