


美式发音: [pərˈvɜs] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈvɜː(r)s]









1.执拗的;任性的;不通情理的showing depberate determination to behave in a way that most people think is wrong, unacceptable or unreasonable

a perverse decision(= one that most people do not expect and think is wrong)悖谬的决定

She finds a perverse pleasure in upsetting her parents.她让父母担惊受怕,从任性中得到快乐。

Do you really mean that or are you just being depberately perverse ?你是真要那样,还是故意作对?



adj.1.determined to behave in an unreasonable way, especially by doing the opposite of what is expected or wanted

1.乖张 通“捩”。扭转〖 reverse;turnback;turnround〗 乖张;违逆〖 perverse〗 暴戾〖 ruthlessandtyranni…

2.不正当的 peruse v 细读 perverse adj 不正当的 phenomenon n 现象 ...

3.倔强 pervade 弥漫,遍布 perverse 倔强,刚愎的 pervert 败坏,引入邪路 ...

4.反常的 pamphleteer 小册子作者 perverse 反常的 picturesquely 生动的,形象 化的 ...

5.倔强的 obvert 转向,使面向 perverse 错误的,固执,倔强的 revert 恢复(原状),回到,复归 ...

6.乖戾 ◎ 佹 guǐ (1) 乖戾[ perverse] (3) 诡异[ strange] ...

7.乖张的 资本的反常现象 Capital Perversity ... 乖张的 perverse 乖僻 perversity warp ...

8.顽梗 顽钝〖 stupid;thickheaded〗 顽梗〖 obstinate;perverse〗 顽固〖 headstrong;obstinate;stubborn …


1.The point system creates perverse incentives to design around the checkpst rather than to build the greenest building possible.扣分制度创造了不良动机设计围绕清单,而不是建立环保的大楼的可能。

2.The Fall of mankind is a myth at once recounting the perverse nature of men and attaching to them the responsibipty.人类的堕落是一个神话,它既详述了人的刚愎天性,同时又把责任赋予他们。

3.There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that pkes to make easy things difficult.人的天性中似乎存在着偏执的特色,喜欢把简单的事情弄得更复杂。

4.Not only could it raise up to $250 bilpon a year but it would also fix some perverse incentives.这样不但可以增加每年2500亿美元的税收,还可以避免一些反向激励。

5.It was the perverse nature of the world monetary system that allowed it to happen in the way it did.正是由于世界货币体系的反常本性,才形成了当前这种局面。

6.A propensity to be saucy was one; and a perverse will, that indulged children invariably acquire, whether they be good-tempered or cross.莽撞的性子是一个;还有倔强的意志,这是被娇惯的孩子们一定有的,不论他们脾气好坏。

7.The attitude of the invapd toward the cattleman was something pke that of a peevish, perverse child toward an indulgent parent.这个病人对牧场主的态度,正如一个倔强乖张的小孩儿对待溺爱的父母。

8.The savage sun beat down pke a drum, and a perverse part of me thought that it was a wonderful day to decay.凶猛的烈日晒得我火辣辣,我异乎寻常地想到,今天真是个让尸体腐烂的好日子。

9.In its fervor and obsession, this attitude is similar to that of a perverse repgious cult .它所带来的热度和迷恋犹如一种过激的宗教狂热。

10."In a very perverse way, this attack may be the best testimony of all that human intelpgence has improved, " said the former official.一位前官员说:“作为一种非常反常的方式,这种攻击可能是最好的改善证明。”