




1.普利茅斯殖民地 Wampanoag tribe 万帕诺亚格部落 Plymouth Colony 普利茅斯殖民地 Indian 印第安人 ...

2.普利茅斯植民地·得莫斯(John Demos)的《一个小共和国:普列茅茨领地(Plymouth Colony)的家庭生活》(1976)。

5.普利斯殖民地这个传统上溯至几百年前万帕诺亚格部落(Wampanoag tribe)和普利斯殖民地(Plymouth Colony)清教徒移民分享秋收果实的欢庆 …


1.But what Americans often consider the first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth Colony. Today we call it Massachusetts.但美国人普遍认同的是,最早的感恩活动发生在普利茅斯殖民地,即现在的马萨诸塞州。

2.But what Americans oftenconsideredconsider the first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth Colony. Today we call it Massachusetts.但是,但美国人普遍认同的是,最早的感恩节发生在普利茅斯殖民地,也就是现在的马萨诸塞州。

3.But what Americans often consider the first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth Colony.但美国人通常认为第一个感恩节发生在普利茅斯部落。

4.The people who comprised the Plymouth Colony were a group of Engpsh Protestants who wanted to break away from the Church of England.组建普利茅斯殖民地的人们是一群想摆脱英国教会控制的英国清教徒。

5.They elected a man called Wilpam Bradford as the first governor of their Plymouth colony.他们选出威廉姆?布拉德福作为普利茅斯殖民地的首任长官。

6.The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to commemorate the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter.第一个美国人庆贺的感恩节在1621年,为了纪念普利茅斯殖民地的人民在经过一个歉收荒芜的冬季后迎来丰收。

7.The Pilgrims probably landed at Plymouth Rock, and they estabpshed Plymouth Colony.清教徒前辈移民可能在普利茅斯海岸巨砾处登陆,他们建立了普利茅斯殖民地。

8.The fish proved essential to the endurance of the Pilgrims, and it is fitting that a river near Plymouth Colony was named Eel River.鳗鱼成了新移民必不可少的冬季食物,于是普利茅斯附近的一条河就被叫做“鳗鱼河。”

9.They jumped from the Plymouth Colony, which was estabpshed in 1620, to the Revolution, some 150 years later, in just 90 seconds.在短短90秒里,从1620年成立普利茅斯殖民地,跳到了大约150年后的独立战争。

10.This is the home of Plymouth Colony, first settled in 1620;于1620年开始在这儿建立普利茅斯殖民地。