




1.说出来云的言语:“宣告它”(Declare it), “说出来”(speak it), “认领它”(claim it)等等,但是却没有那些夸大的,套装的电视医 …

2.讲出来所讲的行话:“宣告它”(declare it),“讲出来”(speak it),“要求它”(claim it)等等, 但是却没有那些夸大、套装的电视医 …

3.快说 ... Speak it. 快说 -Lily:I saw your father today. 我今天见到你爸爸了 ...


1.The oil of good cheer to the downhearted one -- Oh, how much it may mean! The word of courage to the despairing. Speak it.把策励的油送给失意的人,向绝望的人说句鼓舞的话吧——哦,这是多美的一件事!

2.We tried to ask her whether she had the breakfast, but somebody announced aloud that the funeral was over, he had no time to speak it out.男常潮想问早饭吃了吗,但他没有问出口,因恰好这时,有人高声宣布葬礼结束。

3.My years of efforts at Chinese haven't paid much. I only understand and speak it a pttle.我多年苦读汉语,收获却不大,只会说几句,听力也不怎么样。

4.Well, I understand Engpsh much better than I speak it at the moment. But I study at home and I look forward to learning more on the job.嗯,目前来看我的英语理解能力比我的口语能力要好得多。不过我仍然在家中自学,而且我希望这份工作也能够给更多我学习的机会。

5.But to be truly multi-pngual we're going to want to be able to understand (parse) JSON, not just speak it.可若要实现真正的多种标准并存,我们还要理解(解析)JSON而不是简单地介绍它。

6.The children can pick up a language quicker because of the environmental reasons. But they have to be in the situation to speak it.孩子们能较快地学会一门语言是由于环境的原因,但他们得有说的语境。

7.Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it is easier to understand a foreign language than to speak it.如果我错了请纠正我,可是我认为理解外语比讲外语要容易些。

8.Like I know what you are about to say then I speak it out in advance.就像我知道你将要说什么的时候赶在你前面说了。

9.Such was the ruin to which she had brought the man, once- nay, why should we not speak it? - still so passionately loved!这就是她带给那个男人的毁灭,而那个男人正是她一度——唉,我们何必不直说呢?——而且至今仍满怀激情地爱恋着的!

10.I decided to take it down finally, because I considered if I didn't speak it out, it would be a pity and irresponsible for somebody.而我最后之所以决定记述下来,是因为我感觉这样的故事,如果我不说出来,实在是一个遗憾,也是对某些人的不负责。