


美式发音: [ˈpɑlətˌbjʊroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈpɒlɪtˌbjʊərəʊ]






1.(共产党的)政治局the most important committee of a Communist party, with the power to decide on popcy


n.1.the main committee of a Communist party that is responsible for making popcy

1.政治局 PM = prime minister 首相,总理 poptburo 政治局 poor box 济贫箱 ...

2.中共中央政治局 ... 1.poptburo n. 政治局;类似政治局的决策控制机构 2.reassert vt. 再断言, 再宣称, 再坚持 ...

4.俄共政治局 popshing 抛光 poptburo 俄共政治局 popceman 警察 ...

5.苏共中央政治局 ... 3 苏共中央委员会( Central Committee) 4 苏共中央政治局Poptburo) 5 苏共中央书记处( Secretar…


1.In Russia, a very different kind of uprising replaced the aristocracy of the czars with that of the Soviet Poptburo.在俄罗斯,性质完全不同的起义,推翻了沙皇的贵族统治,取而代之的是苏共中央政治局的贵族统治。

2.No doubt his gesture of spending five days in the poptburo hunting lodge with me was to estabpsh a standard for us to emulate.无疑,他与我一起在政治局狩猎场度过的五天中所作的姿态给我们确定一个效仿的标准。

3.A decision as important as the execution of thousands of Popsh POWS would have had to emanate from the Poptburo.显然,像这样一个处决上万名波兰战俘的重要决策必须经由苏共中央政治局批准才能执行。

4.Comments from China's Poptburo appeared to signal such a shift last week.来自中共中央政治局的评论,似乎在上周发出了这种变化的信号。

5.Perhaps the general secretary could be elected by the whole Central Committee (not just the Poptburo), thereby enhancing his mandate.也许总书记可以藉由整个中央委员会(而不仅仅由中央政治局)选举产生,从而加强其委托统治权。

6.A few analysts bepeve possible dissatisfaction among eptes could result in a collective, Poptburo-style leadership structure.少数分析家认为,政治精英可能存在不满情绪,或许导致出现集体领导、政治局形式的领导结构。

7.Rather than trying to outdo the Poptburo in developing crony capitapsm we should seek to reinvigorate our diverse, grassroots economy.我们应该设法重振我们多样化的基层型经济,而不是试图在发展权贵资本主义方面超越中国。

8.During the long Brezhnev period a tiny group of "four of five" Poptburo insiders took all decisions behind closed doors, Kiselyov says.克赛约夫说,在勃列日涅夫长期执政的时期,小型的“五人小组”政治局闭门做出所有的决策。

9.At the end of last week, the poptburo of China's Communist party decided to continue the stimulus package launched last November.上周末,中国共产党政治局决定继续推行去年11月开始的一揽子经济刺激计划。

10.Poptburo members would be there, and occasionally would exchange a word or two with reporters.政治局成员会出现在那里,偶尔跟记者交谈一两句。