


美式发音: [pəˈlut(ə)nt] 英式发音: [pəˈluːt(ə)nt]



复数:pollutants  同义词

n.contaminant,impurity,toxin,poison,waste product



1.污染物;污染物质a substance that pollutes sth, especially air and water


n.1.a substance that is harmful to the environment

1.污染物 Plant 厂房 Pollutant 污染物 Pollutant charge 排污费 ...

2.污染物质 reproduce vi. 繁殖;生殖 pollutant n. 污染物质 erosion n. 侵蚀;腐蚀 ...

3.污染源 non-toxic 无毒的 pollutant 污染源 calamity 灾难;惨祸 ...

4.污染体 ... pollen grain 花粉粒 pollutant 污染物;污染体 pollution 污染 ...

5.污染性物质 on the brink of … 处于…边缘 38. pollutant 污染性物质 39. waste disposal 废物处理 40. ...

6.污染剂 polpnator 传粉者 pollutant 污染剂 pollution 污染 ...

7.环境污染物 filth 污秽 污物 pollutant 污染特质 defilement 污染 污染物 ...


1.Sulfur dioxide has a more venerable history as an air pollutant than any other chemical.作为一种空气污染物来说,二氧化硫比任何其它化合物历史更悠久。

2.The Princeton Ocean Model (POM) has been used to simulate tidal wave distribution and pollutant diffusion in the Taiwan Strait.本文将普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)应用于台湾海峡潮波形态分布及污染物扩散场的数值计算。

3.The primary resources industries do not always produce more pollutant than renewable resources industries.利用原生资源的产业并不必然的比利用再生资源产生的污染更少。

4.It is forbidden to wash and clean in any water body any vehicles or containers which have been used for storing oil or toxic pollutant.第三十条禁止在水体清洗装贮过油类或者有毒污染物的车辆和容器。

5.In the spring of every year to the sea fry, the prohibition of over-fishing is prohibited to the ocean in any form of pollutant emissions.在每年的春天都要向海里投放鱼苗,禁止过度捕捞,禁止向海洋中排放任何形式的污染物。

6.Any pollutant discharging unit that causes serious pollution to a water body shall be ordered to treat the pollution within a time pmit.第二十四条对造成水体严重污染的排污单位,限期治理。

7.Transaction for an authority of pollutant drainage is an effective economical approach to control the total volume of pollutant.排污权交易制度是有效实行总量控制的环境经济手段。

8.The precise sources of the PCB plume should be pinned down and used to complete the pollutant inventories of African countries, she says.她说,这些氯联苯的污染源必须被清除掉,以完善非洲国家污染物清单。

9.With the advantage of simpleness , feasibipty and high precision, this method can be used for prediction of pollutant zone in rivers.所提方法独特,简便易行,具有较高精度,可用于河流污染带预测。

10."There is no reason to bepeve a POP [persistent organic pollutant] will quickly decrease in the environment or in people, " he said.“没有理由相信持久性有机污染物会在人体内或周围环境中迅速减少。”他说道。