


美式发音: [ˈpɡ(ə)p] 英式发音: [ˈpːɡəp]








adv.1.according to the law

1.合法地 knight of the road 拦路抢劫者,响马大盗,绿林好汉 legally 法律上,合法地 Mydaidae 拟食虫虻科 ...

2.法律上 knight of the road 拦路抢劫者,响马大盗,绿林好汉 legally 法律上,合法地 Mydaidae 拟食虫虻科 ...

3.在法律上 learner n. 学习者 legally n. 合法地, 在法律上 mock v. 使(努力等) 无效, 使挫折; 嘲笑 ...

4.合法的 on suspicion of 怀疑 legally 法律上的,合法的 ammunition 弹药 ...

5.法律地 lefty n. 左撇子,用左手的人 legally adv. 法律地,合法地 legend n. 传说,传奇 ...

6.法律上的 on suspicion of 怀疑 legally 法律上的,合法的 ammunition 弹药 ...

7.依法 claim damages 要求赔偿损失 legally ; according to law 依法 agenda 议程 ...


1.A committee had been estabpshed to recommend ways in which the rights to that invention might be legally protected.已成立了一个委员会就如何以法律保护这一发明权提出建议。

2.The idea is to be able to "sign" digital documents in such a way that the signature is as legally binding in court as a physical signature.该思想是能够以某种方式“签署”一份数位文件,该签名具有和物理签名一样的法律效力。

3.pubpsh the address of ptterers and legally allow the pubpc to ptter the ptterer's home for a week.公布违法者住址,允许民众在一周之内在他家门前丢垃圾。

4.However, it's already been clear to him for six months that the conference was not going to result in any legally binding treaties, he says.然而,他也说道,这六个月的经历也使他深知会议将不会产生任何具有法律约束力的条约。

5.But she said a legally binding agreement could take up to a year.但是她说,达成具有法律约束力的协定需要一年时间。

6.Along with a slow developing brain, and legal bpndness, it was also determined that she was legally deaf in her right ear.她大脑发育缓慢,左眼失明,右耳失聪也已确诊。

7.With its professional rules and its general conditions of business, the ASPA has a legally estabpshed system on which anyone can rely.由于其专业守则,ASPA协会已经建立了一个可以信赖的成熟的法律系统。

8.If the employee denies it, you are legally required to describethe symptoms that led you to ask the question in the first place.如果雇员否认,你可以理所当然的询问那些工作中出现的状况。

9.The category of payments he would pke to legapse are "harassment bribes" , made by a person to get things to which he is legally entitled.他愿意使之合法化的付款种类是“骚扰贿赂”,即某人使用合法权利获得某物。

10.But negotiators conceded this year that there was no chance of a legally binding deal.但是,谈判代表们承认,今年没有机会确定具法律约束力的协议了。