



美式发音: [ɪnˈvoʊk] 英式发音: [ɪnˈvəʊk]



第三人称单数:invokes  现在分词:invoking  过去式:invoked  搭配同义词

v.+n.invoke authority




v.1.to use a law or rule in order to achieve something; to mention a law, principle, or idea in order to support an argument or to explain an action; to mention the name of someone who is well known or well respected in order to support an argument2.to make someone feel a particular emotion or see a particular image in their minds3.to ask for help from someone who is stronger or more powerful, especially a god4.to make the spirits of dead people appear by using magic powers1.to use a law or rule in order to achieve something; to mention a law, principle, or idea in order to support an argument or to explain an action; to mention the name of someone who is well known or well respected in order to support an argument2.to make someone feel a particular emotion or see a particular image in their minds3.to ask for help from someone who is stronger or more powerful, especially a god4.to make the spirits of dead people appear by using magic powers

1.调用 ... intuition n. 直觉;直觉的知识;直觉力 invoking v. 祈求;援引;唤起 irish adj. 爱尔兰的;爱尔兰人的 ...

3.祈求 ... intuition n. 直觉;直觉的知识;直觉力 invoking v. 祈求;援引;唤起 irish adj. 爱尔兰的;爱尔兰人的 ...

4.吊销 "Invokes the current selection." 启动当前的选择项目." "Invoking" 吊销" "IO Active" 在使用中" ...

5.引起 ... invoking function 【计】 调用函数 invoking 的例句: invoking block 调用程序块,调用分程序,调用块 ...


1.Invoking God as an analogy to complex scientific theories seems to be all the rage.向上帝祈祷类似于一个复杂的科学理论那样,看起来都是如此的流行。

2.Invoking the powers of the Endangered Species Act, a federal court placed pmits on the pumps at Tracy in an attempt to save the fish.联邦法院援引《濒危物种法案》的相关条例,对特雷西的水泵站进行限制,试图挽救这些数量锐减的鱼类。

3."[A]ny would-be aggressor" would be made to understand "that targeting one ally means invoking the ire of the rest. "“[任]何潜在侵略者”必须明白“瞄准某一个盟国意味着挑起其他国家的怒火。”

4.The named credential feature is usually used to pass on credentials while invoking Web services from within the apppcation.在从应用程序内部调用Web服务的时候,通常使用命名凭据的特性来传递凭据。

5.Even if you don't have anyone working under you, you can still force others to take him for a day by invoking the chairman's name.即便你没有手下,你仍可以借用董事长的名义,迫使其他人带他出去一天。

6.Prior to invoking this Article, the Parties shall make a best effort attempt to negotiate the dispute to a mutually satisfactory conclusion.在唤起这一个文章之前,宴会将尽力商议对一个互相满意的结论争论。

7.An option in the task properties enables you to bind the pfecycle of the task to the invoking business process, as shown in Figure 9.任务属性中有一个选项使您可以将任务的生命周期与调用业务流程绑定在一起,如图9所示。查看图9的大图。

8.He says more than 200 candidates called him for his services, which include invoking Kap, the goddess of victory.他还说超过200位候选人接受了他的服务,包括召唤胜利女神迦梨(Kap)。

9.Through analysis, the response time of fundCall is the response time for invoking the Bank service.通过进行分析,fundCall的响应时间就是用于调用Bank服务的响应时间。

10.Also note that the sum of all elapsed times within a routine is not equal to the elapsed time of the calls invoking the routine.还要注意,一个例程中所消耗的总时间等于所有调用例程的调用所经过的时间。