




1.贫困地区 ... 城关 Area outside a city gate 贫困地区 poor region;impoverished Area 发达地区 developed Area ...


1.Local media accused officials of endorsing them as a means of promoting tourism in a poor region.当地媒体指责相关官员故意将照片鉴定为真的,以便促进该贫困地区的旅游业。

2.The acceleration of real wage rate even in slack seasons in a poor region indicates that the era of surplus labor is over.贫困农村地区实际工资的加速上涨,甚至农闲时期也是如此,表明剩余劳动力的时代已经结束。

3.Traditionally a very poor region of China until the discovery of vast coal deposits.在巨大的煤开发前一半总以为山西是中国非常穷的地区。

4.Speed to win to develop western region and must improve the transportation condition first with the development of the poor region .加快中西部发展和贫困地区的发展必须首先改善交通条件。

5.Rural culture construction in poor region exists seven problems and difficulties.当前贫困地区农村文化建设主要存在着七个方面的困难和问题。

6.John's job is to teach language in the poor region.约翰的工作是在那个贫穷的地区教语言。

7.The tourist boom has also created jobs in a poor region.观光产业在原本贫困的小镇创造了无数就业机会。

8.So imagine how I felt when I traveled to Guizhou Province, a stunningly beautiful and achingly poor region in China's interior.所以想像一下当我到中国内陆一个美丽到让人惊心又贫困到让人心碎的省份贵州旅行时是什么感觉吧。

9.The Mode of the Compositive Management that Getting Away from the Poor Vocational Education in the Poor Region贫困地区反贫困职业技术教育的集成管理模式

10.Status investigation on health condition of reproductive women in the poor region贫困地区农村育龄妇女的卫生现状调查