


美式发音: [ˈberɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈbeərɪʃ]





1.熊市的;(证券市场)看跌的showing or expecting a fall in the prices of shares

a bearish market跌市

Japanese banks remain bearish.日本银行继续看跌。


adj.1.a bearish market is one in which the prices of stocks are falpng2.expecting the prices of stocks to fall; expecting the level of economic activity in general to fall

1.看跌的 beard 胡子 bearish (行情) 看跌的, 卖空的 beast 兽, 牲畜; 残忍的人 ...

2.行情下跌的 Exotic dance 脱衣舞 Bearish 行情下跌的 Bulpsh 行情上涨的 ...

3.行情看跌的 ... 2.bearer n. 票据人,持票人;送信人 3.bearish adj. 看跌的,行情看跌的,引起跌风的 4.bedrock n. 基础; …

4.看空 平均值下移( Average Down) 看空Bearish) 熊市套利( Bear Spread) ...

5.卖空的 beard 胡子 bearish (行情) 看跌的, 卖空的 beast 兽, 牲畜; 残忍的人 ...

6.看淡–孙中山中国男篮班师土耳其的效果就能够看淡(Bearish)。终于邓华德手里握着奥运会(Olympic Games)的王牌,当裤子失去皮 …

7.熊市熊市BEARISH) 悲观低迷,整个股市行情或单个股票价格持续下跌。买入价(BID) 买方购买股票的价格。


1.What about a truly unexpected piece of news - a president gets shot, a noted analyst comes out with a bearish earnings forecast, and so on?如果确实是真正的意外,怎么办——总统被枪击,一个著名的分析师说市场会下跌,等等?

2.Nearly everyone, however, seems to be bearish on the dollar over the long term.但几乎所有人都似乎对美元的长期走势持悲观态度。

3.The veteran market strategist was one of the most bearish analysts at the start of 2008, and he has remained cautious.这名市场战略分析师在2008年初是最为悲观的分析师之一,并且一直持谨慎态度。

4.But the mood is so utterly bearish across the board right now that I am fighting the urge to turn into a raging bull.只是,眼下整个市场气氛极度悲观,我不得不极力克制自己想变成一只愤怒的公牛的冲动。

5.Everybody is so bearish right now that you would expect to be in the midst of a counter- trend rally, he said.每个人(都)现在是如此悲观以至于你将期待是在一个逆倾向反弹的过程中,他说。

6.One bearish New York-based dealer says: "Mark my words, the Russians will turn out to be the Japanese of the early 21st century. "一位看跌的纽约交易商表示:“记住我的话,俄罗斯人不会成为21世纪初的日本人。”

7.Marc Faber, the money manager known as Doctor Doom for his bearish views, calls Mr. Hendry "a deep thinker. "因悲观看法而被称为末日博士的短期资本经营者(moneymanager)麦嘉华(MarcFaber,又译为马克·法伯)称亨德利先生为“一位深思者。”

8.Also, a combination of a put and a call with the same strike price, in which both are bearish, called synthetic short futures.由两个有相同的行使价的看跌和看涨期权形成的组合,同时二者都看涨,叫做组合买入期货。

9.Analysts pointed out that this means that the real estate industry continue to be bearish .分析人士指出,这意味着房地产业继续被看淡。

10.'The cycles . . . have gotten shorter and shorter, ' she said, pointing at extremes in bulpsh and bearish positions.周期持续时间变得越来越短。这里她指的是多头极值和空头极值出现的时间差。