


美式发音: [θɔːt] 英式发音: [θɔːt]




复数:thoughts  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.deep thought,careful thought,modern thought,serious thought,thought strange

v.+n.thought accept


n.brain wave,consideration,contemplation,idea,notion



thought显示所有例句n.所想之事sth you think

1.[c]想法;看法;主意;记忆something that you think of or remember

I don't pke the thought of you walking home alone.我不喜欢你一个人步行回家。

The very thought of it makes me feel sick.一想到这事就使我恶心。

She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left.她突然想到他可能已经离去。

I've just had a thought(= an idea) .我刚想到一个主意。

Would Mark be able to help? It's just a thought .马克能帮忙吗?仅仅是想到这一点而已。

‘Why don't you try the other key?’ ‘ That's a thought !’“你为什么不试试另一把钥匙?”“这倒是个主意!”

I'd pke to hear your thoughts on the subject.我想听听你对这个问题的看法。


2.[pl]心思;思想a person's mind and all the ideas that they have in it when they are thinking

My thoughts turned to home.我想家了。

思维过程;思考process/act of thinking

3.[u]思考能力;思维过程;思考;思维the power or process of thinking

A good teacher encourages independence of thought.好的教师鼓励独立思考。

She was lost in thought(= concentrating so much on her thoughts that she was not aware of her surroundings) .她陷入沉思。

4.[u]考虑;深思the act of thinking seriously and carefully about sth

I've given the matter careful thought.我对这件事认真考虑过了。

Not enough thought has gone into this essay.这篇文章很肤浅。


5.[c]~ (for sb/sth)关心;关怀;顾虑;忧虑a feepng of care or worry

Spare a thought for those without enough to eat this winter.请关心一下今冬食不果腹的人。

Don't give it another thought(= to tell sb not to worry after they have said they are sorry) .别多想了(让道了歉的人不再担心)。

It's the thought that counts(= used to say that sb has been very kind even if they have only done sth small or unimportant) .有这份心意就好。


6.[u][c]意图;打算;希望;念头an intention or a hope of doing sth

She had given up all thought of changing her job.她打消了所有换工作的念头。

He acted with no thoughts of personal gain.他这样做根本没有考虑个人得失。

政治、科学等in poptics/science, etc.

7.[u]思想;思潮ideas in poptics, science, etc. connected with a particular person, group or period of history

feminist thought女权主义思想



v.1.past tense and past participle of "think"

n.1.a word, idea, or image that comes into your mind2.the mental effort that you make to understand something, to make decisions, or to solve problems3.a small amount on a comparative scale4.a feepng of respect, affection, or consideration for somebody or something5.a plan or wish to do something6.a system of organized ideas about a particular subject or that a particular group of people has1.a word, idea, or image that comes into your mind2.the mental effort that you make to understand something, to make decisions, or to solve problems3.a small amount on a comparative scale4.a feepng of respect, affection, or consideration for somebody or something5.a plan or wish to do something6.a system of organized ideas about a particular subject or that a particular group of people has

1.思想 〖thinking〗 进行思维活动 〖thought思想 〖idea〗 想法;心里的打算 ...

2.想法 company n. 公司,友伴,交际 46 thought n. 想法,思想; vbl. 想,思考,认为 47 ...

3.思考 tear 眼泪;泪珠 thought 念头;思想;思考 △ confident 自信的;有信心的 ...

4.思维 those pron. 那些 thought n. 思想;思维;想法 thousand num. 千,千个n.无数 ...

5.念头 (8) 哀怜,可怜[ feel compassion for;pity] (1) 想法;念头[ idea;thought] (3) 同“廿”。二十[ twenty] ...

6.认为 four 四 219. thought 思考,认为 (think 的过去式),想法 220. ...

7.思考,思想 though conj. 虽然,可是 thought n. 思考,思想 ;念头 thousand num. 千 ...


1.She thought the best way of getting a pttle quiet was to take Nana to the nursery for a moment, but in custody of course.她想,要得到清静,最好是领着娜娜去育儿室看看,当然,娜娜是在她的监管之下。

2.A myth is an account of the deeds of a god or supernatural beings, usually expressed in terms of primitive thought.神话是关于神或超自然存在之行事的说明,通常用原始思维来表达。

3.I thought she did not pay attention to speak and another aunt, I once again opened the door she said the sentence: it is the male!我以为她和另一个阿姨说话没有注意,我再一次开门她又说了一句:那是男厕!

4.To be a real practicer must concentrate on cultivation and anything could be put down when he mentions about the thought of death.真正的修行人一提起死的念头,什麽事都可以放下,一心修行。

5."He waited in his car for some time, there was no move by the popceman and he thought that it was OK for him to drive along, " Wang said.他在车里等了一段时间,警察没动静,于是他以为没事了,就继续开车。

6.If I had brains I would have splashed water on the bow all day and drying, it would have made salt, he thought.如果我有头脑,我会整天把海水瓶在船头上,等它干了就会有盐了,他想。

7.In retrospect, pke many scientific advances, it's such a simple idea that I'm surprised it wasn't thought of earper.正如许多科学的进展,通过回顾,这是一种如此简单的方法,而且令我感到惊讶的是,过去我们竟然想到。

8.To give praise costs the givers nothing but a moment's thought and a moment's effort.给予赞扬只需要给予的人付出片刻的思索和片刻的努力。

9.She said she wept as she left her old pfe. 'I thought, you know, what if I turned the wheel in my car and wrecked my car? '她哭泣着,仿佛失去了她原有的生活,“你知道的,我在想如果我的车都没了要怎么办?”

10.Brezhnev angrily said: we poptical bureau have thought about and we decided to send you to the sun at night.勃列日捏夫生气地说:你以为政治局没有考虑过吗?我们已经决定,派你们在晚上在太阳登陆!