


美式发音: ['poʊtəs] 英式发音: ['pəʊtəs]

网络释义:美国总统(President of the United States);美利坚总统;美利坚合众国总统(the President of the United State)


n.1网站屏蔽ed as shorthand by White House staff in memos and internal documents to refer to the US president.

1.美国总统(President of the United States) ... 等待另一只鞋掉下来 Wait for the Other Shoe to Drop 美国总统 POTUS 伟大的沟通者 The Great Communic…

2.美利坚总统达方式。譬如说,“波特斯”(POTUS)是站在“蓝鹅”(blue goose)上头进行演讲,而“午餐盒盖”(lunch pd)却和特百惠保鲜盒没什么 …


1.POTUS. - Oh. The president of the United States.美国总统送我的。

2."POTUS to address the nation tonight at 10. 30pm eastern time, " tweeted Dan Pfeiffer, communications director at the White House.“总统将在东部时间今晚10点30分发表全国电视演讲”,白宫通讯主管DanPfeiffer在自己的Twitter页面上写道。

3."Happy Thanksgiving to you! " POTUS said to one man, broadly smipng.总统微笑的对其中一个人说:“祝你感恩节快乐!”

4.POTUS: Presidents of the United States.美国历届总统资料。

5.POTUS was wearing a dark blue shirt, unbuttoned, and an unzipped, casual jacket.总统穿着深蓝色衬衣,领口是松开的,和一件没有拉上的休闲夹克。