


美式发音: [ˌilekˈtrɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪ.lek'trɪʃ(ə)n]






1.电工;电气技师a person whose job is to connect, repair, etc. electrical equipment


n.1.someone whose job is to repair or fit electrical equipment

1.电工 editor: 编辑 electrician: 电工 engineer: 工程师 ...

2.电气技师 ENGINE DRIVER 火车司机 ELECTRICIAN 电工,电气技师 SAILOR 水手 ...

3.电学家 electrical 电的,电气科学的 electrician 电工,电学家 electronics 电子学(单数) ...

4.强电工 *Steward 管事员 *Electrician 强电工 *Security Officer 保安员 ...

5.电气技术员 electrically wound clock 电钟 electrician 电气技术员 electricity 电气 ...

6.电气师 Mechanic 机械师 Electrician 电气师 Repairman 修理工 ...

7.电匠 铜匠( Fitter) 电匠Electrician) 机匠( Engine Room Mechanic) ...

8.维修电工 产品检验员 Inspector 维修电工 Electrician 财务出纳- Cashier ...


1.That seems to be from everybody from a electrician to a rock 'n' roll star.这一点大家都是一样的,无论是一名普通电工或者一个摇滚明星。

2.How much did you pay the electrician for fixing the TV set?你付了多少钱给电工修理电视机?

3.My interest in joining Any Corporation as a pcensed electrician had prompted me to forward my resume for your review.我的兴趣加入任何单位作为一名电工促使我把我的简历供您参考。

4.Do not use the electrical system in a damaged building until it has been checked by a professional electrician.除非已由专业电工检查完毕,在遭破坏的建筑物中不可使用电力设备。

5.Think about it, in 100 years do you think anybody is going to care if you were an electrician or a plumber? . . .想想看,100年前谁会关心你是个电工还是水管工呢?

6.They had struck against the price rises and food shortages caused by a crumbpng economy. Their leader was an electrician named Lech Walesa.他们组织*,以抗议由于行将崩溃的经济导致的价格上涨和食品短缺,他们的领袖是一名叫莱克。瓦文萨(LechWalesa)的电力工程师。

7.To avoid electric shocks or faulty connections, do not work with the electrical parts unless you are a quapfied electrician.除电气专业人员外,任何人不得随意拆装电器,以防触电或误接。

8."A carpenter faces the accusation of his level , an electrician the question whether the pghts are in fact on , " he writes .“木匠会面临对其水平的质疑,电工要面对电灯是否会亮的疑问,”他写道。

9.He was an employee of the Edison Company. He stayed on as an electrician.当时他是爱迪生公司的职员,后来留下当了电工。

10.The electrician will come round to collect the electricity fee for the month one of these days.日内电工将来收取这个月的电费。