


美式发音: [ˈtɑpɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈtɒpɪk(ə)l]




adj.+n.topical issue




1.有关时事的;当前关注的;热门话题的connected with sth that is happening or of interest at the present time

a topical joke/reference时事笑话;提及热门话题

topical events当前人们所关注的事件

2.(身体)局部的,表面的connected with, or put directly on, a part of the body


adj.1.relating to a subject that is of particular interest at the present time2.relating to or used on a part of the body

1.局部的 thyroxin 甲状腺素 topical 局部的 toxicity 毒性,毒力 ...

2.论题的 ... terrorist n. 恐怖分子 topical adj. 主题的,论题的,地方的 tropical adj. 热带的,热情的,比喻的;转义的 ...

3.话题的 topic 题目 topical 话题的 toss 投 ...

4.主题的 tingle v. 感到刺痛 topical a. 题目的,主题的 topple v. 使倒塌,推翻 ...

5.题目的 tingle v. 感到刺痛 topical a. 题目的,主题的 topple v. 使倒塌,推翻 ...

6.有关时事的 autobiography 自传 topical 有关时事的 peck 啄 ...

7.专题 9.媒体运用( Use of Media) 10.专题( Topical) 12.直译( Literal) ...


1.Make it interesting, topical and relevant. Trying to keep your topic fresh and exciting.保持项目主题的新颖,使申请书受人关注、保持项目建议书内容的针对性及相关性。

2.Case writers are always on the look out for topical events which can be used to illustrate the changing face of business.案例撰写者总是在寻找可以用来说明不断改变的商界面貌的热门事件。

3.Right away, we get a sense of what are the topical domains that are most popular on Wikipedia.立刻,我们得知维基百科上最流行的是什么。

4.Rubbing the gums with a topical pain repef gel is also an option, but you may want to ask the doctor before trying it.还有一种选择是,使用止痛凝胶给宝宝按摩牙床,但是在试用之前最好询问一下医生。

5.A topical anesthetic is usually appped to the area that will be treated to numb the injection site.热门麻醉通常用于治疗方面,将来麻痹注射部位。

6.Or, to take a topical example, how to bolster the official news media in the face of micro-blog sites pke Sina weibo.或者举一个与热门话题有关的例子,如何在微博客网站——如新浪微博(SinaWeibo)——的挑战下,大力支持官方新闻媒体。

7.Cheating is considered as such a big problem in the American universities that how to deal with it has become a topical issue.作弊在美国大学里被认为是一大问题,如何对付它已成为教师会议上的热点话题。

8.Quizzed whether his opposite number is turning up the heat, Mourinho chose a topical way of putting the issue in context.当被问到他的竞争对手是否正在让冠军出现悬念,穆里尼奥选择了用别的话题来回避。

9.Now, which word or phrase do you think is the topical word or phrase in verse three? The word "bless" or "blessings, " right?当初,你以为哪个词或短语是第三节的主题词或短语呢?“福气”,对吗?

10.Topical estrogen is usually effective at restoring vaginal lubrication and elasticity.局部使用雌激素通常对恢复阴道润滑和弹性有效。