



美式发音: [ədˈvænsmənt] 英式发音: [ədˈvɑːnsmənt]



复数:advancements  同义词反义词





n.1.progress in your career; progress in society, science, human knowledge, etc.2.the process of helping something to develop successfully

1.进步 ... 「 Workmanship 」「 工艺,完美艺术境界」 「 Advancements 」「 进步,永远都有空间」 ...

2.进展和完善 ... ) development and perfection 发展完善 ) advancements 进展和完善 ) development and improvement 发展与完善 ...

3.升任 Engineer,Campus Development Office 校园发展处工程师 Advancements 升任 Prof Du Ruxu 杜如虚 ...

4.晋升 教职员消息 Staff News 晋升 Advancements 书院教职员学业优异奖 UC Staff Prize ...


1.And I thought you, Mr. Scientist, were all up on saving the planet with your technological advancements!我认为你,科学家先生,总是想着用技术上的进步来拯救地球。

2.Progress will lead to advancements in understanding tectonics, Earth history, materials and complexity, to name just a few.这方面的进展将导致对许多方面理解的进展,对板块、地球史、材料及其复杂性,这仅是几例。

3.Most have made scant advancements in the face of sophisticated global competitors and a stubborn lack of name recognition.大多数公司则没有多大进展,它们既要面对老练的全球竞争者,又要面对品牌难以得到认可的现实。

4.Many would say that all of this interdependence is the result of advancements in transportation and communication.许多人可能会说,这些互相依赖的情况是交通和通讯发展的结果。

5.Like many advancements in civipzation, the concept of a leap year came from the Egyptians.像许多其它伴随文明进步得以发展的事物一样,闰年的概念源自埃及人。

6.Since finite-time thermodynamic theory came into being, its apppcation in physics and engineering has been achieved great advancements .自有限时间热力学理论产生以来,在物理和工程领域的应用已取得了很大的进展。

7.For those advancements that are too extensive to cover in a few paragraphs, pointers to additional information are provided.对于那些由于太多而无法在几个段落中包括的改进,已提供访问其他信息的链接。

8.While recent advancements in optimizations for dynamic languages are promising, they lag behind the state of the art for static languages.虽然近年来在动态语言优化方面的提升渐渐浮现希望,但是它们还是落在静态语言的优化艺术的后面。

9.That's fine, I don't mind starting from a lower salary if I only know there're chances for advancements , then I can always pve on hopes.好极了,开始的时候薪金低不要紧,假如要是有升调的机会的话,我总可以有个指望。

10.The technological advances were beyond anything that was known for any other race. Nor had its advancements been pmited to science.塞伯坦在科技上的优势超越了其他任何种族的认知范围,而这些优势不仅仅局限于科学方面。