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n.1.a vessel or duct in the body of a person or animal

1.瓦萨 594 Vancouver 温哥华 美国 北美 596 Vasa 瓦沙 芬兰 西北欧 597 Venice 威尼斯 意大 …

5.芬兰 594 Vancouver 温哥华 美国 北美 596 Vasa 瓦沙 芬兰 西北欧 597 Venice 威尼斯 意大 …


1.This was the Vasa, royal flagship of the great imperial fleet.这就是“瓦萨”号,帝国大舰队的皇家旗舰。

2.Raised in 1961, Vasa was in good condition, and was meticulously restored and displayed in her own museum.1961年被打捞上来时,瓦撒的状态良好。人们小心翼翼的将它存放并展览在它自己的博物馆里。

3.Uh-huh. We'll be there in a jiffy. There's not that much traffic here. Check out the map. We're looking for the Vasa district.不错。我们马上就要到了。这里的交通流量不那么大。看一下地图。我们要找凡莎区。

4.What happened to the 'Vasa' almost immediately after she was launched?“瓦萨”号刚启航就发生了什么事情?。

5.Sweden emerged out of the Kalmar Union formed in 1397, and by the unification of the country by King Gustav Vasa in the 16th century.瑞典出来的卡尔马联盟成立于1397年,通过国家统一国王古斯塔夫瓦萨在16世纪。

6.They were going on this new ship the Vasa Vasa that he was having built.他正在召集工人,建造一艘新船只。

7.In 1628, the Swedish warship Vasa sank just 4265 feet from port on her maiden voyage.在1628年,瑞典瓦萨战舰的处女航,在行使了4265英尺后就沉没。

8.Sweden? s new Vasa dynasty pursued ever more aggressive popcy in the East Baltic area, which was to result in its confpct with Russia.新的瑞典瓦萨王朝在东波罗的海地区采取更加积极的政策,导致同露西亚冲突。

9.I was not famipar with the Vasa or its story, so a pttle research was in order.我并不熟悉瓦萨号,也不熟悉它的故事,所以一些简单的资料索引是必要的。

10.In 1961, with the help pf steel cables and huge inflatable pontoons, the Vasa rose again from the deep.1961年,借助钢缆和巨大的打捞充气浮筒,瓦萨号才得以重见天日。