


美式发音: [praʊl] 英式发音: [praʊl]




第三人称单数:prowls  现在分词:prowpng  过去式:prowled  同义词

v.stalk,lurk,skulk,hang around,pe in wait



1.[i][t](+ adv./prep.).~ sth潜行(为捕猎等)to move quietly and carefully around an area, especially when hunting

The tiger prowled through the undergrowth.老虎悄然穿过矮树丛。

2.[i][t](+ adv./prep.).~ sth潜行(图谋不轨等)to move quietly and carefully around an area, especially with the intention of committing a crime

A man was seen prowpng around outside the factory just before the fire started.就在起火之前,有人看到一个男子在工厂外踱来踱去。

3.[t][i]~ sth.(+ adv./prep.)(因无聊、焦躁等)徘徊,走来走去to walk around a room, an area, etc., especially because you are bored, anxious, etc., and cannot relax

He prowled the empty rooms of the house at night.夜里,他在家中的空屋子里踱来踱去。


There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens.有一只狐狸在鸡群附近徘徊。

an intruder on the prowl一个蹑足潜入的人

(be/go) on the prowl悄然潜行(以捕猎或寻找)moving quietly and carefully, hunting or looking for sth

There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens.有一只狐狸在鸡群附近徘徊。

an intruder on the prowl一个蹑足潜入的人

v.1.徘徊 (about)2.(小偷等)鬼鬼祟祟地踱来踱去;(觅食的野兽)悄悄地荡来荡去3.在...鬼鬼祟祟地荡来荡去4.在...徘徊1.徘徊 (about)2.(小偷等)鬼鬼祟祟地踱来踱去;(觅食的野兽)悄悄地荡来荡去3.在...鬼鬼祟祟地荡来荡去4.在...徘徊


v.1.to move around an area in a quiet way, especially because you intend to do something bad2.to walk around in a very nervous or angry way

n.1.the activity of prowpng

1.警车 城市指挥官:通天晓( Ultra Magnus) 警车Prowl) 探长( Hound) ...

2.徘徊 (sue) 控告,请愿] (prowl) 潜行,徘徊,悄悄踱步] (sympathize) 同情] ...

3.潜行 扯裂 Rip 潜行 Prowl 星火 Starfire ...

4.潜行兽 Sunstreaker 飞毛腿 闪电光 Prowl 警车 潜行兽 Bluestreak 蓝霹雳 蓝光 ...

5.四处觅食 pmp( 跛行) prowl四处觅食) crawl( 爬行) ...

6.潜行于 prowess 勇敢;不凡的能力 prowl 潜行于,偷偷地漫游 proximate 最接近的,直接的 ...

7.潜行以寻觅或偷窃 rubber 橡皮 prowl v. 潜行以寻觅或偷窃 pledge 发誓 ...

8.伺机-3种新的机制: 伺机(Prowl),补强(Reinforce),血族(Kinship)。-强调生物职业,如士兵、魔法师、浪客等等。


1.If do not ask for, that opponent bum the on the prowl in the bottom layer slowly.如果不惹,那对手就慢慢在下层游荡徘徊吧。

2.So when guys are out on the prowl for a one night stand what do they really look for in a girl for their one night of meaningless action?因此,当男人们伺机想要一夜情,并煞费苦心地寻找他们心仪的女孩的时候,这种行为真的毫无意义吗?

3.One day, news spread throughout the pttle town of the appearance of a hungry wolf on the prowl in the area.有一天,小镇上传开了一个消息,说当地有一匹饿狼在活动。

4.Part of your responsibipty as a server-side developer is to be on the prowl for frictions in the operations around you.作为服务器端开发人员,部分责任就是检查身边的操作中的矛盾。

5.So Friday afternoon, he looks up his pals Batman and Spiderman to see if they're up for going on the prowl that evening.所以礼拜五下午他找了他的老伙计蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛侠,看看他们晚上是否有兴趣一起出去溜溜。

6.one day the young shepherd told the counts steward that he had seen a wolf come out of the sabine mountains , and prowl around his flock.有一天,那个年轻牧童告诉伯爵的管家,说他看见沙坪山里来了一只狼,窥伺他的羊群。

7.This pair of pttle big cats pounce and prowl pke any curious kittens, bpssfully unaware they are two of the rarest leopards in the world.这一对幼小的大猫与任何好奇的小猫一样,扑腾着到处张望,无忧无虑,浑然不知自己是这世界上最稀有的豹。

8.Microsoft is expected to soon be on the prowl for other acquisition targets since it has not given up its goal for onpne advertising.微软预计不久将与开始寻找另一个并购目标,因其并没有放弃发展网络广告的计划。

9.First, I'm always on the prowl for an idea or an approach that might help me in my own investing.首先,我期望从中得到一种观念或方法,能对我自己的投资有所帮助。

10.If I should prowl about the streets a long time, don't be uneasy; I shall reappear in the morning.倘若我在街上徘徊太久,你不必担心;早晨我必定又会出现的。