


美式发音: [ˈpjunətɪv] 英式发音: [ˈpjuːnətɪv]







1.惩罚性的;刑罚的;处罚的intended as punishment

There are calls for more punitive measures against people who drink and drive.有人呼吁对酒后驾车的人要有更具处罚性的措施。

He was awarded punitive damages(= in a court of law) .法庭判给他处罚性的损害赔偿。

2.(租税等)苛刻的very severe and that people find very difficult to pay

punitive taxes惩罚性征税


adj.1.relating to or causing punishment or great difficulty

1.惩罚性的 partitive 区分的,分隔的 punitive 惩罚性的 definitive 决定的,确定的 ...

2.刑罚的 halberd 戟... punitive 刑罚的, 惩罚性的 ... apportion 分配, 分摊, 分派 ... ...

3.惩罚的 Pulmonary:a. 肺的,有肺病的 Punitive:a. 惩罚的 Purveyor:n. 供应伙食者 ...

4.给予惩罚 punishable 该罚的,可罚的 punitive 给予惩罚,刑罚的 impunity 免除惩罚 ...

5.给予惩罚的 pullout v.adv. 离开,拔出 punitive adj. 给予惩罚的,非常严厉 pupil n. 小学生,瞳孔 ...


1.Fraud is often a difficult crime to prosecute, and for which to obtain punitive sentences.诈骗通常是一项难以起诉的罪行,诈骗犯也很难得到严厉的审判。

2.There was no real need to go back to the punitive state of the 1920s, so you return to something which is much more modest.其实真没必要再回到上世纪二十年代,那种严惩不贷的状态中去,而应该更加谦和地反思过去的某些事情。

3.People close to the talks said the IMF had not attached any punitive conditions on Iceland as part of its rescue package.谈判知情人士表示,IMF没有将任何对冰岛的惩罚性条款纳入救市计划。

4.But analysts say such a punitive sanction would be more of a poptical move with a pmited practical impact.但是分析家说这种惩罚性的制裁将会更多的造成一种限制性的实际影响。

5.Second, we do not see the introduction of such a charge as a punitive measure. Nor is it a disingenuous device conjured up by us.第二,我们没有把实施这项收费视为一种惩罚性的措施,这也不是一项我们自己想出来的诡计。

6.But in his brief comments at the White House, he made no mention of any punitive action.但他在白宫发表的简短评论中,没有提到任何惩罚措施。

7.But he took a conservative view of frivolous lawsuits against corporations and excessive punitive damages.但在针对企业的轻率诉讼和过度的惩罚性损害赔偿上,他持有保守的观点。

8.Her opponents say they have had trouble raising money because some would-be donors have held back for fear of a punitive tax audit.她的对手们讲道,他们在筹集资金上遇到困难,原因是一些潜在的赞助商由于害怕税收审核所带来的刑罚而退缩了。

9.The scale is so much larger now that the impact of a dollar stabipsation programme would be more punitive.现在的赤字规模远远超过以往,因此一项美元稳定计划的影响将更具惩罚性。

10.An important part of the system as damages punitive damages, related simply on the general introduction.作为损害赔偿制度重要部分的惩罚性损害赔偿,相关论著一般都只是简单的介绍。