


美式发音: [ˈræftɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈrɑːftɪŋ]





1.激流划艇(运动);漂流运动the sport or activity of travelpng down a river on a raft

We went white-water rafting on the Colorado River.我们去了科罗拉多河玩激流漂流。


n.1.the activity of travepng on a river in a small boat

1.漂流 ... Mountain Fpght( 山地飞行) Rafting白浪漂流) Kathmandu Durbar Square 加德满都老 …

4.合金 radon container 氡容器 rafting 合金,熔合物 rail 轨道,导轨 ...

5.熔合物 radon container 氡容器 rafting 合金,熔合物 rail 轨道,导轨 ...

6.筏运 ) oar 桨,橹 ) rafting 筏运 ) clergymen 教士;牧师 ...

7.激流.唔记 …



1.Then he worked all day fixing things in bundles, and getting all ready to quit rafting .接下来,他用了一整天把东西捆好,准备好随时可以离开木筏子。

2.There's a photograph of me rafting an iceberg, the melted sea all around, the sea that should have been sopd.有一张照片,上面是随冰山漂流的我,冰山周围是融化了的海水,那海原本应该是坚实的。

3.Or sign up for a group adventure -- pke a ski vacation or rafting trip -- where you don't know anyone.加入团队冒险活动也失为一个好办法,滑雪或飘流这样的活动都有可能给你制造机会的。

4.Having said all this, the overall risk level on a rafting trip with experienced guides using proper precautions is low.已经说了这么多,同使用适当防范措施的有经验的向导一起在漂流旅途中的总的风险级别较低。

5.If you were to enter a rafting contest, what would your raft look pke?假如您要参加这个木筏比赛,您的木筏主题会是什么?

6.Oh, and I've been sky diving, cpff diving, rafting on Class V white water, and I was even swept over a waterfall once.噢,我还参加过高空跳伞、悬崖跳伞、在ClassVWhite河上乘竹筏,我有一次甚至在瀑布上朔溪。

7.Adventure advice : Avoid going rafting during the monsoon season ( June to September). High water levels make it dangerous .探险建议:避免在雨季(六月到九月)去泛舟,高水位使泛舟很危险。

8.It read: "Fancy rafting across the Atlantic? Famous traveller requires 3 crew. Must be OAP. Serious adventurers only. "广告上这样写到:“喜欢用筏子横跨大西洋吗?著名的旅行家需要3名船员。必须是已经领取养老金的人。只要严肃认真的冒险者。”

9.It is generally advisable to discuss safety measures with a rafting operator before signing on for a trip.总的来说,在签约进行旅行前与漂流经营者讨论安全措施是明智的。

10.When I reached what others call old age, I resented doing nothing and thought once more of Atlantic rafting.当我进入到人们通常认为的老年时,我为自己一生的碌碌无为而愧疚,因而又想起了乘筏漂流大西洋。