



美式发音: [prun] 英式发音: [pruːn]




复数:prunes  现在分词:pruning  过去式:pruned  同义词反义词


v.cpp,trim,snip,cut back,thin




n.1.[Food]a dried plum

v.1.to remove parts of a tree or plant, for example to make it grow better2.to get rid of something that you do not need or want, especially in order to reduce the size or cost of something

1.修剪触会迅速地形成并且成熟,而且有多余的部分在后面 “被修剪”( pruned ); 换句话说,婴孩的脑子是由他的第一经验被逐渐地塑 …

3.剪枝状态上游接口接收到剪枝报文以后,把发送该剪枝报文的接口记为剪枝状态Pruned),并设置一个剪枝状态计时器。这样就建立 …

4.切断的第一种是在设置中被约束的称为区域(zone)的数据;每个区 域是域空间特定“被切断的(pruned)”子树的完整数据库。这个数据被 …


1.This shrub will have to be pruned or you'll be scratching the car on it. Haven't you done anything to the garden at all, since I left?这些灌木也该修剪了,否则他们会划破你的汽车的;自从我离开以后,你就根本不收拾花园了吧?

2.The blog was periodically pruned and shuttered by authorities, and in 2006 they told him that the name had to go.这个博客遭到当局周期性的修理和关闭,到2006年,当局告诉他,那个名字必须拿掉。

3.Bushes must be pruned in the early spring, leaving ugly woody branches until the new growth appears a few weeks later.早春时,必须要修剪灌木丛,只留下一些难看的树枝,直到几周之后再长出新的来。

4.His writing would be improved if he pruned away some of those unnecessary adjectives.删掉一些不必要的形容词,他的文章会好些。

5.Fruit tree farmers can buy one load of manure a year from a cow or pig farm to start their digester and add wood pruned from fruit trees.果树种植户每年可以从养牛养猪户那里购买一批粪肥建起沼气池,然后添加修剪下来的果树树枝。

6.I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated, and briers and thorns will grow there.我必使它荒废,不再修理,不再锄刨。荆棘蒺藜倒要生长。

7.Beijing pruned energy subsidies from the beginning of this month, resulting in a 36 per cent hike in fuel prices.中国政府本月初起削减了能源补贴,导致燃油价格猛涨36%。

8.Trees and shrubs of different species, pruned into a complex, uniform arc by persistent wind, is a significant similarity.长期风吹造成复杂却统一的弧度的不同种类的树和灌木是一种重要的相似性。

9.Your sentences would read better if they were pruned of some of these adjectives that you're so fond of.若删去这些你喜欢用的形容词,这些句子读起来全更好。

10.In the first year or two of pfe -- when autism symptoms appear _ synapses rapidly form and mature, and unnecessary ones are "pruned" back.在生命的最初一两年中——当孤独症症状出现时——突触迅速形成和成熟,无用的突触会被剪除。