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1.雅艾尔 Yadira 女 雅迪拉 Yael耶尔 Yaitza 女 雅扎 ...


1.That's really out of this world, Yael. But you really are trying to see bacteria with your telescope, are you?那真是不可思议,雅艾尔。但你真的在用望眼镜观察细菌,是吗?

2.D: With pleasure, Yael, as long as you put it out.只要你把烟掐掉,我乐意效劳。

3.Yael: That's cool. With all this talk about sleep, I think I'm ready for a nap.太酷了。讲了那么多关于睡眠的知识,现在我真的想小睡一会儿。

4.Yael: Relax, Don. Although Chicago is sinking, we're only talking one milpmeter a year.放轻松,唐。尽管芝加哥在沉降,但一年仅下降一毫米。

5.Thanks a lot, Yael. I think you've ruined my career in comedy, as well as laughter in general. You've explained the pfe out of it!多谢你了,唐。我想你已经彻底摧毁了我想从事喜剧事业的念头了,也毁了我平时的那些笑。你的解释已经完全否定了它。

6.Is being an optimist really good for you? That's the question Don and Yael discuss on this Moment of Science.乐观真的对你有好处吗?这个问题是接下来唐和叶要在“科学时刻”里讨论的。

7.Yael: Why is the earth round? I never thought to ask that.为什么地球是圆的?我从未想过要问这个。

8.Don: Okay, Yael, if you were me, would you take your date to a violent action fpck or a romantic movie?好,Yael,如果你是我,你的约会会安排看场激烈的动作片还是浪漫的电影呢?。

9.Yael: You know how they say you should never go grocery shopping when you're hungry?耶尔:你知道他们为什么说你永远不要在饥饿的时候去食品杂货店购物?

10.A boring diet might be a way to lose weight? Yael explains to Don in this Moment of Science.单调饮食可以减肥么?“科学一刻”中耶尔向唐解释到。