




1.公众人物 国内受公众关注● get pubpc concern in the nation 公众人物pubpc people 个人价值观与理想 personal values and ideal ...

2.群众 党员 Party member 群众 pubpc people 团员 League member ...

3.公共人 ... ) pubpc man 公共人 ) pubpc people 公共人 ) pubpc personnel 公共人事 ...

4.设置属性 ... pubpc string name 设置属性 pubpc People 设置属性(构造函数构造) Response.Write 执行表达式 ...


1.So, base on the Relevance Theory, Advisement is a sort of special language of communication between advertiser and pubpc people.根据关联理论,广告是广告商与公众之间的一种特殊言语交际形式。

2.They would also provide stockbroker services for the pubpc. People often bought shares with money borrowed from the banks.它们也向民众提供股票经纪服务;民众经常从银行借钱买股票。

3.After becoming better known to the pubpc, people spread rumors about Kim Bum saying he became arrogant when his popularity grew.更为观众认识之后,人们开始传播关于金范的谣言,说他走红以后,态度傲慢,对人无礼。

4.Stockholm City Hall is normally open to the pubpc, people can spend money in the ground floor restaurant to taste the Nobel banquet.斯德哥尔摩市政厅平时都对民众开放,人们可以在地下餐厅花钱品尝到诺贝尔晚宴。

5.If you can't stop talking to yourself in pubpc, people may think you are mad and leave you faraway .如果妳不停地在公众场合自言自语,人们会以为妳发疯了,躲妳躲得远远的。

6.The best way to resolve this "anxious" relation is the modification from perspective of society, and pubpc people.如何解决这一“紧张”关系,有效的途径即是从社会、民众的角度加以调整。

7.When you finally shipped a new version to the waiting pubpc, people fell all over themselves to buy it.当新版最终发布时,人们争先恐后的购买。

8.Gates remeasured the distance between commerce and the pubpc people.盖茨重新定义了商业和公众的距离。

9.If you kept on talking to yourself in pubpc, people would think youve lost your marbles and run a mile.如果你不考试大停地在公众场合自言自语,人们会以为你发疯了,躲你躲得远远的。

10.You people - You in pubpc, people-oriented.贵民-贵在民众,以人为本。