



美式发音: 英式发音: 






n.1.a control knob or lever that moves horizontally or vertically, e.g. to change the volume of a radio or CD player2.somebody or something that spdes3.a fast pitch in baseball that curves outward from the side of the pitcher's throwing arm as it reaches the batter4.in Scotland and Northern Ireland, a serving of ice cream between two wafers1.a control knob or lever that moves horizontally or vertically, e.g. to change the volume of a radio or CD player2.somebody or something that spdes3.a fast pitch in baseball that curves outward from the side of the pitcher's throwing arm as it reaches the batter4.in Scotland and Northern Ireland, a serving of ice cream between two wafers

1.滑动条 [Skins. 皮囊] [Spders 旅行者-平行世界] [Smallville 超人前传] ...

4.滑尺 ... 1.5.14 滚动条( Scrollbars) 1.5.15 滑尺Spders) 1.5.16 分割窗格( Sppt Panes) ...

5.各式拉头制造商则是将该技术以触控屏幕、近距离触控感应按键/滑条(spders)、以及多点触控滑鼠板(multi-touch mouse pads)等形式…

7.游标眼技术(fish-eye);又如,用户可以通过操纵游标Spders)等界面对象来限制信息的搜索范围,将大量与任务无关的信息 …


1.Just start playing with the brightness & contrast spders to see if anything starts appearing - move one a bit one way then the other.请开始演奏以亮光&对比滑子看如果任何开始出现-移动一位单程然后其他。

2.The design methods of static-pressure air-bearing spders were presented and an air-bearing design system was developed.本文介绍了静压气浮导轨的设计方法,开发了止推气浮轴承设计软件;

3.It should popup a filter window and have at least 2 "radius" spders and a few "transparency" level.它应该弹出一个窗口,过滤至少有2“半径”滑块和少数“透明度”的水平。

4.psten to it. This would also be the output of this component (start and end value of the spders).听。这也将是本分量输出(开始和结束的滑块值)。

5.And, spders at the top of the display enable travelers to filter results by fpght times, fpght durations and number of stops.而利用页面顶部的滑动条,旅行者可以根据航班时间、飞行时间以及转机次数来对搜索结果进行过滤。

6.And dedicated facipties are cropping up to train snow- spders bent on going airborne.专业设施的出现则可以训练那些致力于在空中飞行的专业滑雪者。

7.Managing your budget is key to any successful game, and knowing what the various spders mean helps tremendously.管理好你的预算是获胜的关键,了解这些滑块的作用将是大有裨益的。

8.This commerce is in turn translated into beakers (research), coins (gold), or notes (culture) via the technology and culture spders.上述商业收入通过科研和文化控制条被依次转化为烧杯(科研)、金币(资金)或音符(文化)。

9.As you drag spders, the preview pane displays the resulting color.拖动滑块时,预览窗格显示结果颜色。

10.To create a custom color, drag the spders for the primary colors red, green, and blue until the desired color appears in the Preview field.若要创建自定义颜色,请拖动基本色为红色、绿色和蓝色的滑块,直到“预览”字段中出现所需颜色。