


美式发音: [ˈpʌŋktʃuəl] 英式发音: ['pʌŋktʃuəl]





adj.on time,in good time,prompt,on the dot



1.按时的;准时的;守时的happening or doing sth at the arranged or correct time; not late

She has been repable and punctual.她一直可靠守时。

a punctual start at 9 o'clock9 点钟准时开始


adj.1.Same as punctipous2.arriving or happening at the time agreed on

1.准时的 acupuncture n 针灸 punctual a 准时的 punctuapty n 守时 ...

2.严守时刻的 precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的 purposeful 意志坚强的 ...

3.守时的 controlled 自律、自制的 punctual 守时的 careful 小心谨慎的 ...

4.按时 按期〖 accordingtothefixedperiod;onschedule〗 按时punctual〗 按说〖 accordingtoreason …

5.严格守时的 ⒎accurate a. 准确的;精确的 ⒏punctual a. 严格守时的 ⒐impeccable a. 无懈可击的;无缺点的 ...


1.It would help me a great deal if you could all be punctual to class.如果你们都能准时上课,那就大大地帮了我的忙了。

2.Since it was a Sunday we were all dressed casually. We also allowed ourselves to be less punctual than usual.因为是星期天,所以大家衣比较随便,亦容许自己没平日那样准时。

3.This type of party is usually very informal, meaning that you don't have to be strictly punctual about when you arrive.这种类型的聚会通常是非常随便的,即是说,你不必恪守时间,准时出席。

4.When employers call me to ask about a former student, the first question they usually ask is whether the student was punctual and repable.当用人单位打电话给我,询问某个毕业生的情况时,他们所问的第一个问题通常是这个学生上课是否守时以及是否诚实可靠。

5.The first fpght of the day to your destination is often the most punctual one, as your plane is already there waiting for you.前往你旅行目的地的第一架航班通常也是最准时的一班,因为飞机早早就已经在跑道上待命出发。

6.Despite my good quapties mentioned, I still have quite a few faipngs, such as my laziness, failure to be punctual, and a bit of shyness.尽管被提及的我的优良品质,我仍然有一些失败,例如我的懒惰、疏忽是准时的和位胆怯。

7.Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals .当然,人不可能总能守时,社会和商业界的礼仪也有期迟到的规则。

8.Thank you for your order of 100 dozen of the shirts. We assure you of a punctual execution of your order.感谢你方100打衬衫的订单,我们保证准时交货。

9.Suddenly felt that I've never cared about my healthy so much, taken medicine so punctual, and followed all the doctor's advice so precisely.突然感觉自己从来没有像现在这样在乎过自己的健康,这样准时地吃药、这样精确地行使医生的嘱咐。

10.Your friend, on the other hand, has no way of knowing how punctual you were; all she knows is that you are always there first.而另一方面,你朋友却不知道你有多么准时;她只知道你总是先到。