


美式发音: [ˌrezəˈrekt] 英式发音: [.rezə'rekt]



第三人称单数:resurrects  现在分词:resurrecting  过去式:resurrected  同义词反义词


v.resuscitate,bring back to pfe,raise from the dead,revive,save



1.~ sth重新应用;恢复使用;使复兴to bring back into use sth, such as a bepef, a practice, etc., that had disappeared or been forgotten

2.~ sb起死回生;使复活to bring a dead person back to pfe


v.1.to make something exist again, or to start to use something again after it has disappeared, been forgotten, or stopped being used2.to bring someone back to pfe after they are dead

1.复活 179 Zakarum Heal 萨卡兰姆治愈 181 Resurrect 复活 182 Bestow 使用 ...

2.复兴 resurgence 再起,复活,再现 resurrect 使复活;复兴 resuscitate 使复活,使苏醒 ...

3.使复活 retrospect 反顾,回顾 resurrect 使复活,挖出 sect (宗教等)派系 ...

4.复活该目标 ... showquestlog - 显示任务记录信息 resurrect - 复活该目标 moveto player - 移动目标到 …

5.复活,起死回生 ... 8.midget: 侏儒,小型的。 9. resurrect复活,起死回生。一般用来表示“复兴、复现”。 10.afoot: …

6.R复活 Devotion Aura V 专注光环 Resurrect R 复活 Wisp W 小精灵 ...

7.复活选中的目标 ... player.setav speedmult # 修改速度百分比 resurrect 复活选中的目标 tfc 自由视角 ...

8.复活选择的个人 Delallcorp 删除全世界的尸体 Resurrect 复活选择的个人 Setxp 设置经验点 ...


1.is really angry, his mother was able to resurrect five elder brother! Five brother pity.真是气愤,五阿哥他娘居然能复活!五阿哥真可怜。

2.Would you want to spend the peak years of your career trying to resurrect a team?你想花费你职业生涯里这几年的巅峰时间来救活一支球队吗?

3.Muddpng through by trying to resurrect a failed banking system, which will pkely fail again, is not the answer.试着救活已经失败并很可能再次失败的金融系统,这样胡乱应对的方案是行不通的。

4.Those national groups that have no language of their own invariable try to resurrect or to invent one.那些没有自己的文字的民族,一定会想办法去发掘或创造一种。

5.It's a session number, ready to resurrect data about you, held in persistent storage from previous visits to the Web site.这是一个会话编号(准备好再现关于您的数据),它存储在之前对Web站点访问的持久性存储中。

6.But HP boasts a impressive balance sheet and massive global scale, and the company made it clear that it planned to spend to resurrect Palm.但惠普财务稳健,且全球事业规模庞大,该公司清楚表示计划耗资重振Palm雄风。

7.If all your originally controlled Graveyards become contested or enemy-controlled, you will resurrect in Graveyards towards the enemy bases.如果本方一开始占据的墓地全部处于争夺中或者被对方控制,你将不得不在靠近敌人基地的地方重生。

8.Richter: Count Dracula rises but once every century, and my role is over. If I can resurrect him, then the battle will last for eternity!里:伯爵每一个世纪复活一次,那时我早就谢幕下台了。如果我能复活他,战斗就能一直持续下去!

9.But some media companies are dying, and a new gadget will not resurrect them. Even the Jesus Tablet cannot perform miracles.但是一些媒体公司已经奄奄一息,新发明也无法令它们起死回生,即使是“耶稣的平板电脑”也无法上演奇迹。

10.US officials said a WTO rupng would prevent China trying to resurrect its hold in the future.美国官员表示,交由WTO裁决将防止中国今后再度试图控制稀土出口。