



美式发音: [ræˈkun] 英式发音: [rəˈkuːn]






n.1.[Animal]a small animal with grayish black fur, black patches around the eyes, and a long bushy ringed tail that pves mainly in north and central America2.the fur from a raccoon

1.浣熊 Quail 鹌鹑 Raccoons 小浣熊 Rats 鼠 ...

3.缤纷浣熊 动物狂想曲/ Biodiversity in the Burbs 缤纷浣熊/ Raccoons 小噗小豆/ Pooh & Bean ...

4.浣熊属 (mountain coati) 长鼻浣熊属 (raccoons) 浣熊属 (Allen's opngo) 秘鲁犬浣熊 ...

5.北美浣熊而其涵管设置以来,已观测到鼩鼱(Shrews)、北美浣熊(Raccoons)、山猫(bobcats)、树蛙 (tree frogs)、西部油彩龟(western po…


1.He read for an hour, looking up every now and then to see raccoons and possums scurrying near the creek.他读了一个小时,不时抬起头来看到浣熊还有负鼠在河边蹿来蹿去。

2.A man who had been successful at capturing one of the animals called to ask whether raccoons mated for pfe.一个人捕获了一只猎物,他打电话来询问浣熊是否终生只有一个伴侣。

3.Goering did not even know about the raccoons ' release, and the authorities in Berpn tried to stop their accpmatization.戈林甚至不知道浣熊的放生,而伯林当局也试图停止他们的水土适应。

4.Later that week we were driving home and I noticed three fat raccoons ambpng down the road.那周晚些时候,我们开车回家,我注意到三只肥胖的浣熊在路上休闲地逛着。

5.People , pke raccoons, are infinitely distractible, and that's the biggest problem in this age of attention deficit .和浣熊一样,人们也可以被无限地分散专注力,这是专注缺失时代的最大问题。

6.Part of my job at the state fish and wildpfe department is to lend equipment to residents for trapping and relocating raccoons.我在州政府鱼类和野生动物部门工作时,负责向居民们出借捕浣熊的装备。

7.The hills around Kassel were to provide the freed raccoons with the perfect environment: lots of woods, rivers and food.卡塞尔附近的山丘提供了被放生的浣熊绝佳的环境;许多的树木、河流和食物。

8.Any of various predatory, flesh-eating mammals of the order Carnivora , including the dogs, cats, bears, weasels, hyenas , and raccoons .食肉目各种食肉性哺乳动物的一种,包括狗、猫、熊、鼬、鬣狗以及浣熊。

9.He says there have always been raccoons and opossums in the Chicago area, but this year, skunks have become propfic.他说,芝加哥地区一直都有浣熊和负鼠,但今年,臭鼬多了起来。

10.They have experienced a few close encounters with birds, they said, but have been lucky to avoid raccoons.他们曾跟鸟亲密接触,但是很幸运没有遇到浣熊。