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n.1.in the Harry Potter novels by J. K. Rowpng, a fictional game played on broomsticks.

1.魁地奇德维斯—班斯商店,里面提供了各种魔法道具和设备,像魁地奇比赛Quidditch)道具、三强争霸赛(Triwizard)装备、防 …

3.奎地奇 of the Day)网站上,如2007年的太空奎地奇(Quidditch)比赛、2003年的猫头鹰奥尔(Olpe the Owl)星座、1998年的月球射门 …

4.魁地奇球 九又四分之三月台 Platform9 3 / 4 魁地球 Quidditch 摄魂怪 Dementor ...

7.魁地奇装备(Dervish and Banges),其中包括魁地奇装备(Quidditch),参加三强争霸赛的服装(Triwizard apparel) 防妖眼睛(Spectrespecs…


1.Carry the snitch along with you, as well as a broomstick, to look as if you just came from a Quidditch game.带着你的金色飞贼和扫帚回来,这样就有刚从魁地奇比赛中胜利归来的感觉啦!

2.By eleven o'clock the whole school seemed to be out in the stands around the Quidditch pitch.到了十一点钟,似乎全校师生都来到了魁地奇球场周围的看台上。

3.I personally feel he should be taken off the Gryffindor Quidditch team until he is ready to be honest.我个人认为,最好让他离开格兰芬多魁地奇队,等态度老实了再说。

4.So they've just scribbled things on them and said rude things in them, the name of their favourite Quidditch team and stuff in the book.所以他们只是在书上乱涂乱画,写一些没礼貌的话、他们喜欢的魁地奇球队的名字和事情罢了。

5.Some of us were really dressed up in cool gear. Jesters hats, faces painted and Bulgarian and Irish Quidditch tops.有些人打扮得很酷——头戴小丑帽,脸上涂着油彩,保加利亚和爱尔兰的魁地奇比赛更是出色。

6." Quidditch is right up there with the least fun things I've done in Harry Potter, " he said .他说:“魁地奇比赛是我在哈利?波特影片中拍摄过的最无趣的戏了。”

7.Fourteen times he made me buff up that Quidditch Cup before he was satisfied.他让我把那个魁地奇奖杯擦了十四遍才满意。

8.at the quidditch world cup , draco was treated to a seat in the top box by his parents.在魁地奇世界杯上,德拉科的父母让他享受了顶层包厢的座位。

9.Right, said Wood. Now, Quidditch is easy enough to understand, even if it's not too easy to play.好,伍德说,是这样,魁地奇球的规则很容易理解,尽管玩起来并不容易。

10.A brief gpmpse of this level reveals an untidy -looking corridor on which various Quidditch posters are hung.对这个楼层的观察只是短短一瞥,可以看到这是一个不太整洁的走廊,上面贴了各种个样的魁地奇海报。