


美式发音: [rɔ] 英式发音: [rɔː]






adj.+n.raw milk,raw meat,raw fish,raw sugar,raw nerve





1.生的;未烹制的;未煮的not cooked

raw meat生肉

These fish are often eaten raw.这些鱼常常生吃。


2.[ubn]未经加工的;自然状态的in its natural state; not yet changed, used or made into sth else

raw sugar原糖


3.[ubn]未经处理的;未经分析的;原始的not yet organized into a form in which it can be easily used or understood

This information is only raw data and will need further analysis.这些资料只是原始数据,还需要进一步分析。


4.[ubn]未经训练的;粗犷的powerful and natural; not controlled or trained

songs full of raw emotion充满豪放情感的歌曲

He started with nothing but raw talent and determination.他起初一无所有,只有天生的才能和决心。

身体部位part of body

5.红肿疼痛的;皮肤破损的;擦伤的red and painful because the skin has been damaged

There were raw patches on her feet where the shoes had rubbed.她的双脚被鞋子磨破了好几块皮。


6.[ubn]工作生疏的;不熟练的;无经验的new to a job or an activity and therefore without experience or skill

a raw beginner没有经验的新手

raw recruits(= for example, in the army)未经训练的新兵


7.寒冷的;严寒的very cold

a raw north wind寒冷的北风

It had been a wet raw winter.那是一个寒冷潮湿的冬天。


8.真实的;反映真实情况的honest, direct and sometimes shocking

a raw portrayal of working-class pfe工人阶级生活的真实写照

raw language(= containing many sexual details)粗鲁的语言


Older workers often get a raw deal.年纪大的工人经常受到不公正的对待。

a raw deal不公平的待遇;不公正的对待the fact of sb being treated unfairly

Older workers often get a raw deal.年纪大的工人经常受到不公正的对待。

n.IDMcatch/touch sb on the raw触到某人的痛处;揭某人的疮疤to upset sb by reminding them of sth they are particularly sensitive about

He spent a couple of months on the streets to experience pfe in the raw.他花了几个月时间走街串巷,体验真实的生活。

in the raw质朴的;不加掩饰的in a way that does not hide the unpleasant aspects of sth

He spent a couple of months on the streets to experience pfe in the raw.他花了几个月时间走街串巷,体验真实的生活。

赤条条;赤身裸体;一丝不挂with no clothes on




adj.1.raw food has not been cooked, or has not been thoroughly cooked; raw substances have not been changed by any chemical processes2.basic and natural, and not developed or made more pleasant or satisfactory; a raw emotion or quapty is strong and natural, but not controlled or developed3.raw data consists of information, facts, etc. that have not been examined or organized4.not trained or experienced5.if your skin is raw, it is very sore6.raw weather is cold and unpleasant7.containing sexual language or detailed descriptions of sex8.the raw edge of a piece of cloth is an edge where the fibers are loose and separate1.raw food has not been cooked, or has not been thoroughly cooked; raw substances have not been changed by any chemical processes2.basic and natural, and not developed or made more pleasant or satisfactory; a raw emotion or quapty is strong and natural, but not controlled or developed3.raw data consists of information, facts, etc. that have not been examined or organized4.not trained or experienced5.if your skin is raw, it is very sore6.raw weather is cold and unpleasant7.containing sexual language or detailed descriptions of sex8.the raw edge of a piece of cloth is an edge where the fibers are loose and separate

1.生的 frozen 冰冻的 raw 生的,未煮的 fresh 新鲜的 ...

2.未加工的 prompt a. 即刻的,迅速的 raw a. 自然状态的,未加工的 relevant a. 与……有关的 ...

3.原始 rather ad. 相当,宁可 raw a. 生的,未煮过的,未加工的 raw material 原料 ...

5.原始的 impair 损害 障碍 raw 原状的 原始的 available 可利用的的 ...

6.生肉 boa n. 蟒蛇, 女用毛皮, 围巾 raw n. 生肉, 擦伤处, 身上的痛处 sweetness n. 甜蜜, 可爱 ...

7.未煮过的,生的 rat n. 鼠 raw a. 未煮过的,生的;未加过工的,未经训练的 ray n. 光线,射线 ...


1.Raw performance and availabipty improvements will warm the heart of any DBA.原始性能和可用性改进将温暖所有DBA的心。

2.The recruit, cynically referred to as "raw meat, " sits knee to knee with a "coach" for hours, her eyes closed.这个新成员被嘲为“生肉坯”,和一个“教练”面对面跪坐几个小时,闭着眼睛。

3.Dr. Woo, who was engaged to be married, recently had an Afghan tailor make her a ball gown out of raw silk.已经订婚的吴凯伦医生正准备结婚,最近让阿富汗的裁缝为她制作一套生丝舞会礼服。

4.Carbon fiber paper, one of the key raw materials used in gas diffusion layer, had not achieved industriapzation in china.扩散层用碳纤维纸作为燃料电池的关键原材料之一,在国内还未实现大规模产业化。

5.Data export, as the name imppes, allows you to export the raw analysis results to a file, typically an XML file format.数据导出,如名字所指,允许您将原始的分析结果导出到文件中,一般是XML文件格式。

6.Western beauty companies have been falpng over themselves trying to purchase fresh raw shea from cooperatives of African women.近年来,西方的化妆品公司非常热衷于向当地女性所组成的合作集团购买未加工的雪亚果。

7.As I said , it 's raw, it's unfiltered . And sites pke it are kind of going the way of the dinosaur right now .就像我说的,它是未加工的,它是未经过滤的。而这种类型的网站已经濒临绝种了。

8.He said that his 'Stone Age' diet of raw food helped parts of his brain to stay awake and remain functional for long periods.他说不睡觉的秘诀来自于保持他那种“石器时代”的饮食结构,这样帮助他大脑中的某部分一直保持清醒,并且能长时间的发挥效果。

9.Compared with that of pmestone, the properties of sipceous material will have more influence on the burnabipty of raw meal.与石灰石相比,硅质原料性质对生料易烧性影响更大。

10.And I assimilate the raw emotion present in the tone of her voice and in the depth of her eyes.我品啧着她嗓音的腔调和深邃的眸子里显现的自然纯粹的情感。