


美式发音: [ˈzɑːgrɛb] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Croatia

1.萨格勒布 (Munich, 德国) (Zagreb, 克罗地亚) (Dubai, 阿拉伯联合酋长国) ...

5.首都萨格勒布 LEEDS 里兹 (英国) ZAGREB (克罗埃西亚) ZURICH 苏黎世 ...

7.札格瑞布巴士进入札格瑞布Zagreb)之后,我睁大眼睛仔细观察这一个首都城市。街上并没有热闹景致,有些人行道甚至非常残破, …

8.萨格勒布市我们半夜到达萨格勒布市(Zagreb),其中一人请他的朋友帮忙解决住宿问题,他非常友好,为我们三人都安排了住处。第二天早 …


1.But Zagreb refused to sell him in the summer to quell a revolt from fans unhappy that Eduardo had joined Arsenal.不过萨格勒布俱乐部在今年夏天曾拒绝出售他,因为他们要平息球迷对俱乐部放走爱德华多加盟阿森纳的不满情绪。

2.Looking ahead, Rosicky and Reyes will not be fit enough to return for Wednesday's Champions League tie against Dinamo Zagreb.预计罗斯基和雷耶斯都不能在下周三对萨格勒布迪纳莫的欧冠比赛之前复出。

3.I met with President Izetbegovic, then flew on to Zagreb, Croatia, to see President Tudjman.我与伊泽特贝戈维奇总统进行了会晤,然后飞到克罗地亚的萨格勒布拜会图季曼总统。

4.The Club is depghted to announce that it has reached agreement with Dinamo Zagreb for the transfer of Croatian midfielder, Luka Modric.俱乐部很高兴地宣布我们与萨格勒布迪纳摩就克罗地亚中场球员卢卡-莫德里奇的转会达成一致。

5.In 2000, she was the coordinator in the year's Zagreb International Animation Festival.在2000年的萨格勒布国际动画节中担任协调员。

6.A case of genuine cheating occurred during a tournament in Zagreb, which Fischer was dominating ahead of Smyslov, Petrosian and Korchnoi.一个真正的作弊的案件发生在萨格勒布的一个锦标赛上,费舍尔一枝独秀,领先斯密斯洛夫,彼得罗森和科奇诺伊。

7.Beijing is not in office on shape, color is moved a horse Zagreb in the hutongs are the big enjoyed playing chess.北京不是路上形色匆匆的上班族,是搬个马札在胡同里下棋聊天儿的大爷们。

8.Real Madrid earned their first victory in this year's Champions League against Dinamo Zagreb with a goal by Angel di Maria.皇家马德里获得了今年冠军联赛的第一场胜利,他们凭借着安吉尔•迪•马利亚的进球战胜了萨格勒布迪纳摩。

9.As Zagreb is close to the sea, many restaurants offer fresh seafood.因为靠海,很多餐馆也提供新鲜的海鲜。

10.The Spaniard also played in both legs of this season's quapfier against Dinamo Zagreb as Lehmann served a two-match suspension.因为莱曼被处罚停赛两场,这位西班牙人还参加了本赛季欧冠资格赛与萨格勒布迪那摩两个回合的比赛。