


美式发音: [ˈsmoʊkər] 英式发音: [ˈsməʊkə(r)]



复数:smokers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.female smoker

n.pipe smoker,cigar smoker,chain-smoker,heavy smoker,smoking car



1.吸烟者a person who smokes tobacco regularly

a heavy smoker(= sb who smokes a lot)烟瘾大的人

a smoker's cough吸烟过多引起的咳嗽

a cigarette/cigar/pipe smoker抽香烟╱雪茄╱烟斗的人


n.1.someone who smokes cigarettes, a pipe, etc.2.a section of a train where passengers are allowed to smoke

1.吸烟者 smoke n. 烟 smoker n. 吸烟者 smoking n. 吸烟,抽烟;冒烟 ...

2.烟鬼 irregular( 不规则的) smoker烟民) non-smoker( 不吸烟者) ...

6.吸烟的人 Leer 斜眼看 Smoker 吸烟的人 Disappointment 失望 ...

7.抽烟的人 same 相同的 smoker 抽烟的人 violent 暴力的 ...

8.吸烟车厢 sleeper 卧铺 smoker 吸烟车厢 subway 地铁(美语) ...


1.Maiden popce said the man opened up the smoker and saw what he thought was a piece of driftwood wrapped in paper.(美国北卡罗莱纳州)梅登警方表示,这名男子打开熏肉机,看到一块东西,他原以为是用纸包裹著的浮木。

2.And if you're a closet smoker, you may save hours of time since you no longer have to spend time trying to conceal your habit.如果你偷着吸烟,戒烟可以节约时间,因为你再也不用花时间隐藏你的习惯。

3.I hate being a non-smoker. It is so boring! It occurred to me the other day that I really would be a lot happier if I smoked.我讨厌自己不抽烟,真没意思。有一天我突然想到要是我也抽烟的话我定会比现在幸福得多。

4.If you are a pack-a-day smoker you could save yourself at least two thousand dollars a year by quitting.如果你本来每天抽一包烟,戒掉的话每年就能省下至少2000美元。

5.In 15 years your risk of heart attack will have returned to that of a non-smoker.在十五年中,你得心脏病的几率将降低到不抽烟者的水平。

6.Moreover, yous imply will not be able to get the most out of any exercise or fitness program if you remain a smoker.进一步来说,如果你执迷不悟继续抽烟的话,那你节食,锻炼计划的效果就不会显著。

7.'If you are a heavy smoker and you're lucky enough to make it to old age, you're not in the clear. You're still at risk for dementia. '如果你是个大烟鬼,而又幸运地活到了晚年,这个晚年是无法安享的;你仍有可能罹患痴呆症。

8.she always looked tired and always squinting a pttle , because she was a chain smoker and the smoke got into her eyes.她老是显得疲倦不堪,老是眯起眼睛,因为她一支接着一支抽烟,烟都进了她的眼睛。

9.If the Chinese were to answer, "Yes, " the smoker would lose face, as he would be made aware that he has behaved unsociable.如果这个中国人回答说:“是的”,那么这个吸烟者会感到丢脸,而且会觉得自己表现得不善交际。

10.She said the fat would tend to gather around a smoker's girth and torso , adding to the harmful effects on their health.她说,脂肪会倾向于聚集周围吸烟者的腰围和躯干,加上有害的影响,对他们的健康。