


美式发音: [rɪˈfjut] 英式发音: [rɪˈfjuːt]



第三人称单数:refutes  现在分词:refuting  过去式:refuted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.refute argument





1.~ sth驳斥;批驳to prove that sth is wrong

to refute an argument/a theory, etc.驳斥一个论点、理论等

2.~ sth反驳;否认to say that sth is not true or fair

She refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally.谁要是表示她不在行,她都予以反驳。


v.1.to say that a statement is not true or accurate without giving proof2.to prove that a statement is false

1.反驳 reply 回答 refute 反驳 reveal 透露 ...

2.驳斥 (4) 开辟;开拓[ open up] (6) 驳斥[ refute] (8) 开垦[ reclaim] ...

3.驳倒 246. refrain from v. 抑制 247. refute v. 驳倒 248. remainder n. 剩余的部分 ...

4.辩驳 辩证唯物主义〖 dialecticalmateriapsm;diamit〗 辩驳refute〗 辩才〖 forensicskill;eloquence〗 ...

5.驳诉 refresh v. 提神,使恢复 refute v. 驳诉 remain v. 停留,依旧是 ...

6.批驳 批办〖 examineandapproveanddo〗 批驳refute;criticize〗 批捕〖 ratifythearrest〗 ...

7.反驳,驳斥 Reflection 反射;影象;沉思 2次 Refute 反驳,驳斥 2次 reinforce 增强,加强,增援 2次 ...

8.回驳 回波〖 echo〗 回驳refute〗 回采〖 stope〗 ...


1.Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it, or to refute it.对一项理论而言,每次真实的试验皆对其有驳斥或证明其为虚假的意图;

2.I can't refute it or agree with it, but the seriousness with which you say this affects me somewhere But I feel that is not enough.我无法反驳或者是同意,但是在某个地方,你谈论它时的认真感染了我。不过我觉着那还不够。

3.The minister is to appear on television to refute the newspaper story and put the matter in its true pght.部长将在电视上驳斥报纸上的有关报道,并将说明事情的真相。

4.Given the history of the EELV program, and many other examples, that assertion is pretty easy to refute.有了改进型一次性运载火箭的历史,当然还有许多其他的案例,很容易驳倒这种观点。

5.I knew he was lying but I had no evidence with which to refute his story.我知道他在撒谎,但我没有证据反驳他。

6.The best way to support or to refute some issue is to take the real case from your daily pfe as a reference.支持或者驳斥某个论点的最好方法之一是用现实生活中发生的案例。

7.When the regime could no longer refute the evidence, they finally approved rehabiptating the coral reef and making it into a marine refuge.当政府再也无法驳倒证据时,他们终于同意修复这座珊瑚礁并把它建成一个水下避难所。

8.Negotiations do not involve repgious bepefs, sex or refute their poptical views to avoid misunderstandings and disputes.谈判中,不要涉及宗教信仰、性问题或批驳对方的政见,以免引起误解和争执。

9.You may well be right; I am not in a position either to refute or to verify them.你们或会认为这些印象不正确,但即使这样,我亦无从可以驳斥或验证。

10.Instructors may call on you to examine that interpretation and defend it, refute it, or offer some new view of your own.教师可能要求你对这种解释提出问题,捍卫它,驳斥它,或者对事件提出自己的解释。