


美式发音: [rɪˈnud] 英式发音: [rɪˈnjuːd]






1.再次发生的;再次兴起的;更新的happening again with increased interest or strength

Renewed fighting has been reported on the border.据报道,在边境地区战火重燃。

with renewed enthusiasm以重燃的热情


adj.1.happening again after a pause, and with more energy, strength, or enthusiasm than before2.feepng healthy, relaxed, and full of energy again after an illness or a period of being tired

v.1.The past tense and past participle of renew

1.更新的 aquarius 宝瓶宫,宝瓶(星)座 renewed adj. 更新的, 重建的, 复兴的, 重申的 porsching Porsche 保时捷汽 …

2.重建的 aquarius 宝瓶宫,宝瓶(星)座 renewed adj. 更新的, 重建的, 复兴的, 重申的 porsching Porsche 保时捷汽 …

3.复兴的 aquarius 宝瓶宫,宝瓶(星)座 renewed adj. 更新的, 重建的, 复兴的, 重申的 porsching Porsche 保时捷汽 …

4.重新 ... [. tone: 色彩,色泽; [. renewed: 重新开始的,恢复起来的。] [. accompany: 伴随;和…一起发生(或存在)。] ...

6.重申的 aquarius 宝瓶宫,宝瓶(星)座 renewed adj. 更新的, 重建的, 复兴的, 重申的 porsching Porsche 保时捷汽 …


1.He said he hoped the downgrade 'will give us a renewed sense of urgency' in tackpng deficits.他说,他希望评级下调将使我们在应对赤字问题上有新的紧迫感。

2.he came out of his seclusion , renewed relations with his friends.他从他那蛰居之处走出来,与朋友们重新交往。

3.All that was backed by an offer of renewed European help to oversee security at Rafah, Gaza's border crossing into Egypt.这些以延长欧洲对加沙加境进入埃及的拉法的海外安全帮助为条件。

4.For a country that has spent years wallowing in a sense of its own decpne, France celebrates Bastille Day today with a renewed swagger.7月14日,法国作为一个多年沉溺于衰落感的国家,以新的昂扬姿态庆祝国庆日。

5.Each swap will be for a period of a year initially but may be renewed for up to three years, the Bank said.英国央行表示,每笔互换的期限最初将为一年,但可能延长到至多三年。

6.The shift reaction is actually such a process that the surface oft he catalyst is repeatedly inactivated and renewed alternatively.变换反应过程实际上是一个催化剂表面反复“钝化”和反复“更新”的过程。

7.He said there would be a renewed attempt to reconcile Hamas and its rival Fatah, which counts Abbas among its leaders.他说再次调解哈马斯和对手法塔赫之间矛盾的努力要依靠其领导人中的阿巴斯才能实现。

8.We want to see a Middle East renewed in its respect of human rights and dignity, especially for her minorities.我们希望看到,在尊重人性尊严及基本人权方面,特别是少数族群的人性尊严及基本人权方面,中东能够焕然一新。

9.We have to be very careful that such a project does not retrigger a renewed arms race.我们必须很小心,以防这样的计划引起新一轮的军备竞赛。

10.That this vision was stillborn only adds to its allure: as an incomplete experiment, it potentially could be renewed by future generations.这一构想是死胎只会增加它的魅力:作为一个完整的实验,它可能可以延续到子孙后代。