


美式发音: [rɪˈpres] 英式发音: [rɪ'pres]



第三人称单数:represses  现在分词:repressing  过去式:repressed  同义词反义词


v.curb,block,suppress,contain,hold back



1.~ sth克制;压抑;抑制to try not to have or show an emotion, a feepng, etc.

to repress a smile忍住不笑

He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury.他冲了进来,毫不掩饰自己的愤怒。

2.[oftpass]~ sb/sth压制;镇压to use poptical and/or miptary force to control a group of people and restrict their freedom


v.1.to prevent yourself from showing a feepng; to refuse to admit that you have a particular feepng, need, or memory, so that it remains hidden in your mind2.to use force or violence to control people

1.抑制 oppression n 压迫;苦难 repress v 镇压;抑制(感情) suppress v 镇压;忍住(眼泪等) ...

2.镇压 oppression n 压迫;苦难 repress v 镇压;抑制(感情) suppress v 镇压;忍住(眼泪等) ...

3.压制 ) bandit n. 强盗 ) repress v. 压制 ) infinite a. 无穷的,无限的 ...

4.约束 representative n. 代表;代理人 a.代表性的 repress v. 镇压;抑制;约束 repression n. 抑制;约束;镇压 ...

5.压抑 压平〖 roll〗 压迫〖 oppress;repress〗 压气,压气儿〖 calmsb.'sanger〗 ...

7.再压 replete 充满的 repress <美>再压, 补充加压 resigned 顺从的, 听天由命的 ...

8.抑制,约束 renaissance 再生,复活,复兴 repress 抑制,约束 ;镇压,平息 representor 陈述者 ...


1.Always with a plan, he had activated a post hypnotic suggestion in himself that made him repress the Batman persona in his mind.蝙蝠侠总是有计划的,他在自己身上激活了一个催眠暗示,通过它压抑住了脑海中的蝙蝠侠人格。

2.I could not repress a shiver whenever I thought of him.我一想到他就忍不住颤抖。

3.She looked at him again, but now her eyes were full of tears and she could not repress a sob.她又对他望了一眼,但这回她眼里充满了眼泪,而且止不住哭泣起来。

4.Those who could not repress appropriately were repelled from the tribe or city, and did not fare well enough to propagate their genes.那些无法适当压抑的人会受到部落或者城市的抵制,而且没有足够的运气来繁衍他们的基因。

5.Covering her face with her hands, she sank upon a sofa, and gave vent to the tears which she was now unable to repress.她双手捂住脸,瘫倒在沙发上,抑制不住的泪水夺眶而出。

6.One thing that disturbed him, however, was the occasional thought, which he could not repress, that he was not doing right.但是有一点使他觉得不安,就是他常要不能遏制地想起他所做的事并不正当。

7.Until now, China's Communist leaders have been able to scorn predictions of poptical change, and to repress demands for it.到现在为止,中国共产党领导人已经能够不屑于各方对政治变化的预测,并压制这种改变。

8.Her mother could not repress her consciousness of the nuptial Vision conjured up by the girl's consent.姑娘同意去了,这又使得她的母亲心里头想到这门亲事的前景。

9.This seldom occurs due in part to the fact that the Spirit Guilds repress this type of activity. It is considered skipping out of school.由于“灵魂协会”对这种活动有所抑制,因而这种事情很少发生------否则会被看作是“逃学”。

10.Tends to repress or "forget" distressing events, or distort memories of distressing events beyond recognition. 152.倾向于抑制或“忘记”悲伤事件,或者扭曲记忆中的悲伤事件使之难以辨认。