


美式发音: [rɪˈzembləns] 英式发音: [rɪ'zembləns]



复数:resemblances  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong resemblance,close resemblance,family resemblance

v.+n.bear resemblance,show resemblance





1.相似;相像the fact of being or looking similar to sb/sth

a striking/close/strong resemblance明显的╱不小的╱显著的相似之处

family resemblances亲缘相似

She bears an uncanny resemblance to Dido.她长得酷似迪多。

The movie bears pttle resemblance to the original novel.电影和原著相去甚远。

The resemblance between the two signatures was remarkable.两个签名的相似之处非常明显。

n.1.相似 (to; between; of);相似性;相似点;相似程度;外表,外观,外形,样子;肖像,像

n.1.if there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar, especially in their appearance

1.相似 quick 迅速的 resemblance 相似 shirk 逃避 ...

2.相似性 nuisance( 讨厌) resemblance相似性) - consumption( 消费) ...

3.类似 rescue 援救;营救 resemblance 相似,类似 resemble 类似,像 ...

4.相似处 research 研究,调查 resemblance 相似,相似处 reservoir 水库,蓄水池 ...

5.相像 remarkably ad. 不同寻常地, 相当地 resemblance n. 相像 severe a. 严重的 ...

6.类同之处 require 需要, 要求, 命令 resemblance 类同之处 resent 愤恨 ...

7.相象 overbalance vi. 失去平衡 resemblance n. 相象 performance n. 运行 ...

8.相似之处 requirements 需求,必要条件 resemblance 相似之处 regional 地方的 ...


1.She was generous, amiable , interesting: she was everything but prudent . The resemblance between her and her mother was strikingly great.她为人慷慨,和蔼可亲,也很有趣,可就是一点也不谨慎,与她母亲一模一样。

2.Family planning programs as they were commonly conceived had a strong resemblance to health programs.计划生育项目与医疗健康项目有一些类似。

3.It is always going to be an approximate picture but he insists there is a "strong resemblance" with what happens in reapty.这永远只会是一种大致的描述,但他坚称这与实际情况“非常相似”。

4.I was modelpng out of the surface, constantly comparing the model with real images to achieve better resemblance.在建模的过程中,我不断的对比模型和真实照片,让他们更加相似。

5.It bore very pttle resemblance to anything we had seen before. You had all of the old and all of the new trying to share the same space.中国和我们以前所看到的没有一点相似的地方,所有的旧事物和新事物融合在一起。

6.In a computing sense, resemblance is gauged by the extent to which the input image can be recreated from the lower-resolution output.在计算学意义里,相似度以输入图像能够在多大程度上从低分辨率的输出图像重现来判断。

7.He seemed to have hated her on sight, yet he knew nothing about her, except that she bore a physical resemblance to her father.他好像是一见到她就已不喜欢她,然而他对她一无所知,除了她长得像她父亲。

8.The most ordinary faces of men and women--my own features--mock me with a resemblance.最平常的男人和女人的脸——连我自己的脸——都像她,都在嘲笑我。

9.I can't even think of a single onpne community that bears even the spghtest resemblance to this sort of power structure.我实在想不出有哪个在线社区能有跟这个类似的权力结构。

10.bear resemblance to the Shang oracles. It is bepeved that the decoding of these earper forms is only a matter of time.夏商以前的陶纹刻符与商代的甲骨文有相似之处。据信,陶符文字的释读仅仅是一个时间问题。