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网络释义:总悬浮颗粒物(total suspended particulates);旅行商问题(Travepng Salesman Problem);总悬浮颗粒(Total Suspended Particulate)




1 tsp chilp powder一茶匙辣椒粉


1.总悬浮颗粒物(total suspended particulates)取总悬浮颗粒物TSP)样品滤料4cm7 结果计算 7.1 标准曲线法 C=25*(h-ho)*Bs*S1/(Vo*1000*S2) 式中: c ——空气中铅浓 …

2.旅行商问题(Travepng Salesman Problem)的旅行商问题(TSP)领域渗透到了多个应用领域,由解决一维静态优化问题发展到解决多维动态组合优化问题,由离散域范围内 …


4.总悬浮颗粒(Total Suspended Particulate)而大气中的总悬浮颗粒TSP)对人体的呼吸系统和心脏病患者危害极大。“这种颗粒经过呼吸进入呼吸道,尤其是直径在0.5—…

5.大气总悬浮颗粒物(Total Suspended Particle)的大气总悬浮颗粒物TSP)年平均值为0.134毫克/标准立方米,二氧化硫年平均值为0.021毫克/标准立方米,完全达到国家环 …


1.Use a tsp to put the stuff inside the ball and close it. Let some sesame stick all over the ball.用调羹将馅料放入洞内,封口。将圆球搓圆,粘上白芝麻。

2.The results show that the spatial distribution of the heat-island intensity has a couppng relationship with that of the TSP pollution.结果表明,长沙城市热岛效应与TSP污染在空间与时间分布上都具有耦合关系。

3.It was shown by a simulation test on massive TSP that this algorithm proposed possessed fine performance.对大规模TSP问题进行仿真实验的结果表明该算法具有良好的性能。

4.Then spread 1 tsp of opve oil with your hands all over the dough. Then cover it with a clean, damp towel.然后手上粘上橄榄油,将油涂满整个面团,盖上一块干净而润湿的布。

5.Daily before going to bed with milk, soy milk or boiled water a tsp.每日睡前用牛奶、豆浆或开水冲服一小匙。

6.The enrichment factors and Chemical Mass Balance receptor model were appped to determine the main sources for PM in the studying area.研究使用富集因子和化学质量受体平衡(CMB)模型对近海海域TSP进行解析。

7.Determination results of concentrations of 28 elements in TSP of atmosphere in Urumqi during a year were reported.报道了乌鲁木齐市一年内大气TSP中28种元素含量的监测结果,污染程度及变化规律。

8.Although simpler, the synchronous method does not provide the robustness or meet the requirements for an apppcation in the TSP network.虽然比较简单,但同步方法并不够健壮,不能满足TSP网络中的应用程序的要求。

9.Finally, this algorithm is appped to solve the TSP problem. The procedure is programmed by C language, and is compiled and run.最后,将此算法应用于求解TSP问题,使用C语言编写程序并调试运行。

10.Both the heat-island intensity and the TSP pollution decrease radially from the metropoptan center towards the outskirt.长沙市TSP污染的分布特征和热岛强度分布状况基本一致,都是由市中心往外逐渐减轻。